PARADIM Highlight #56—External User Project (2022)
Funding Sponsors
Materials Innovation Platforms provide free access and training at state-of-the-art equipment. Based on accepted projects to use PARADIM, our User Program is particularly interesting for young researchers and faculty at the start of their own research group, when required equipment or well-trained personnel might not be readily available at their home institutions.
Most importantly, access to PARADIM includes support by scientific staff. Independent research projects can be pursued immediately and the projects’ associated users—usually graduate students—receive invaluable hands-on training and guidance on all aspects of their Materials-by-Design discoveries.
This highlight is an updated version of PARADIM Highlight #31 to reflect the growing number of early-career investigators among external users of PARADIM who secured subsequent funding.
Examples of assistant professors—at the time of submission of their PARADIM proposal—whose success at user projects at PARADIM led to subsequent funding.

Prof. Antia Botana (Arizona State University)
- 2020 NSF “CAREER: Discovering and Understanding Layered Nickelate Superconductors,” NSF-DMR-2045826,;
- Sloan Research Fellowship 2022

Prof. Ryan Comes (Auburn University)
- AFOSR YIP 2019, “Metastable Oxides for High-Mobility and Spin-Orbit 2D Electronics” ;
- 2020 NSF “CAREER: Topological Phenomena in 4d and 5d Complex Oxide Interfaces and Superlattices Grown by Hybrid Molecular Beam Epitaxy,” NSF-DMR-2045993,

Prof. Serena Eley (Colorado School of Mines)
- 2020 NSF “CAREER: Skyrmion-Vortex Interactions in Ferromagnet-Superconductor Heterostructures,” NSF-DMR-2046925, .

Prof. Lauren Garten (Georgia Tech)

Prof. Samaresh Guchhait (Howard University)

Prof. Huiwen Ji (University of Utah)
- 2021 NSF “CAREER: Probing and Exploiting Short-range Order in Crystalline Materials for Fast Ion Transport,” NSF-DMR-2145832, .

Prof. Jason Kawasaki (University of Wisconsin-Madison)

Prof. Martin Mourigal (Georgia Tech)
- 2017 NSF “CAREER: Anomalous spin dynamics in triangular quantum magnets: from materials discovery to quantitative neutron spectroscopy,” NSF-DMR-1750186 ;
- DOE-BES: “New Controlling quantum coherence in frustrated spin-orbit magnets,“ DE-SC0018660.

Prof. Julia Mundy (Harvard University)
- 2021 DOE-BES “Epitaxial Stabilization of Novel Superconductors for Energy Generation, Storage and Distribution,";
- Sloan Research Fellowship 2022 .

Prof. Jian Shi (Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute)
- Work at PARADIM provided important results for obtaining tenure at home institution,
- 2020 NSF award CMMI #2024972, “Scalable Manufacturing of Single Crystalline Halide Perovskite Film via Interface Engineering,” ;
- 2020 NSF award EPMD #2031692 “Symmetry-protected spin dynamics in ferroelectric spin device” ;
- and an ARO STIR.

Prof. Vladan Stevanovic (Colorado School of Mines)