March 2024
PARADIM Co-director Darrell Schlom received the 2024 FMD John Bardeen Award. This award given by the Minerals, Metals and Materials Society recognizes an individual who has made outstanding contributions and is a leader in the field of electronic materials. Read More

January 2024
Former PARADIM Trainee Tayna Berry: 2024 Richard L. Greene Dissertation Award in Experimental Condensed Matter or Materials Physics Recipient Read more

November 2023
Professor David Muller (PARADIM Director of Electron Microscopy facility) was recognized as The 2024 Joseph F. Keithley Award For Advances in Measurement Science recipient. The award recognizes physicists who have been instrumental in the development of measurement techniques or equipment that have impact on the physics community by providing better measurements. Prof. Muller was recognized for pioneering a new generation of electron detectors and phase-sensitive reconstruction algorithms leading to significant advances in the resolution and capabilities of electron microscopes. Read more

November 2023
Nathaniel Schreiber: APL Materials Excellence in Research Award
2nd Prize: Nathaniel Schreiber and Ludi Miao for A Model Heterostructure with Engineered Berry Curvature

September 2023
David Muller: The 2023 John Cowley Medal winner. The Cowley Medal is the highest award of the International Federation of Societies for Microscopy and is only awarded once every 4 years. The medal is awarded in recognition of lifetime achievement to an international leader in the fields of diffraction physics or microscopy.
Professor David Muller (PARADIM Director of Electron Microscopy facility) was awarded the The John M Cowley Medal. The award was established to honor the memory of John Maxwell Cowley, esteemed Regents’ Professor and Galvin Professor of Physics at Arizona State University. Cowley was a leader in the field of diffraction, microscopy and crystallography, and he was also the founder of the electron microscopy facility at Arizona State University.
June 2023:
PARADIM mourns the loss of Dr. Lena Kourkoutis
Lena F. Kourkoutis, M.S. ’06, Ph.D. ’09, (1979- June 25, 2023)
“Lena is among the persons I think of first when I speak of our faculty's commitment to excellence in all aspects of their work,” said Lynden Archer, the Joseph Silbert Dean of Engineering.
October 2022 :
PARADIM researcher Lena Kourkoutis was named a 2022 APS Fellow.
"For pioneering contributions to the development of atomic-resolution cryogenic scanning transmission electron microscopy as a quantitative tool for probing electronic phases in materials and processes at interfaces between solids and liquids."
November 2022
Berit Goodge: APL Materials Excellence in Research Award
3rd Prize: Berit Goodge for Disentangling types of lattice disorder impacting superconductivity in Sr2RuO4 by quantitative local probes
August 2022 :
PARADIM Graduate student Alumna Berit Goodge was named a 2022 Schmidt Science Fellow.
May 2022 :
Holding the right material at the right angle, Cornell researchers have discovered a strategy to switch the magnetization in thin layers of a ferromagnet – a technique that could eventually lead to the development of more energy-efficient magnetic memory devices.
April 2022 :
PARADIM REU alumna and current PARADIM user, Zubia Hasan has been awarded a P.D. Soros Fellowship for New Americans.
This fellowship is a merit-based fellowship exclusively for immigrants and children of immigrants who are pursuing graduate school in the United States.
April 2022 :
A program designed to give undergraduate students an introductory summer research experience in materials discovery has been funded through a three-year, $621,000 grant from the National Science Foundation.
The grant renews the Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REU) program and leverages the Platform for the Accelerated Realization, Analysis, and Discovery of Interface Materials (PARADIM) - a national user facility dedicated to accelerating the discovery of next-generation materials for electronics.
March 2022 : PARADIM Users from Cornell’s Center for Bright Beams, a National Science Foundation Science and Technology Center, has developed a technique to create a single-crystal alkali antimonides photocathode, with an efficiency up to 10 times higher than its predecessors.Read More
October 2021 : PARADIM Co-Director, Darrell Schlom, honored with the 2021 American Vacuum Society John A. Thornton Memorial award and lecture. This award recognizes Professor Schlom for his pioneering contributions to the development of molecular-beam epitaxy for the growth of complex oxides and its judicious application to create oxides with unparalleled properties. Read More
July 2021 : The Director of the PARADIM Electron Microscopy Facility, Professor David Muller awarded the Ernst Ruska Prize from The German Society for Electron Microscopy
May 2021 : The Highest Resolution Microscope, enabled by a new detector technology, reaches an ultimate resolution limit – the vibrations of atoms themselves
- Popular Science https://www.popsci.com/science/highest-microscope-resolution-individual-atoms/
- Scientific American https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/see-the-highest-resolution-atomic-image-ever-captured/
- Cornell Chronicle https://news.cornell.edu/stories/2021/05/cornell-researchers-see-atoms-record-resolution
December 2020 : PARADIM User Project has been selected for the frontispiece in Advanced Materials for December 2020.
Full Reference: A. Bhargava, R. Eppstein, J. Sun, M.A. Smeaton, H. Paik, L.F. Kourkoutis, D.G. Schlom, M. Caspary Toroker, and R.D. Robinson, “Breakdown of the Small-Polaron Hopping Model in Higher-Order Spinels,” Adv. Mater.32, 2004490 (2020).
November 30, 2020 : PARADIM Post Doctorate Associate was awarded 2nd place in the 2020 APL Materials Excellence in Research for Fully transparent field-effect transistor with high drain current and on-off ratio
October 20, 2020 : PARADIM Director Darrell Schlom named the 2021 James C. McGroddy Prize for New Materials Recipient from the American Physical Society
September 29, 2020 : NAMBE 2019 Best Journal Paper Award Winner by PARADIM Users: Dongxue Du, Patrick J. Strohbeen, and Jason K. Kawasaki.
Full Reference: D. Du, P.J. Strohbeen, H. Paik, C. Zhang, K. Genser , K.M. Rabe, P.M. Voyles, D.G. Schlom, and J.K. Kawasaki, “Control of Polymorphism during Epitaxial Growth of Hyperferroelectric Candidate LiZnSb on GaSb (111)B,” J. Vac. Sci. Tech. B 38, 022208 (2020).
August 24, 2020 : PARADIM'S Chief Data Officer, David Elbert delivered a talk on 'Streaming Towards Our Quantum Future' at the August 2020 Kafka Summit
August 24, 2020 : PARADIM In-house researchers published a comprehensive thermodynamic analysis of the volatility of 128 binary oxides evaluates their suitability as source materials for oxide molecular-beam epitaxy (MBE). 16 solid or liquid oxides are identified that evaporate nearly congruently from stable oxide sources to gas species and additional 24 oxides could provide molecular beams with dominant gas species. Two-phase mixtures are explored as a potential route to achieve the desired congruent evaporation.
Featured as Editor's Pick.
Selected as Journal Cover August 2020 APL Materials.
Full Reference: K.M. Adkison, S.-L. Shang, B.J. Bocklund, D. Klimm, D.G. Schlom, and Z.-K. Liu, "Suitability of Binary Oxides for Molecular-Beam Epitaxy Source Materials: A Comprehensive Thermodynamic Analysis," APL Mater. 8, 081110 (2020).

June 2020: Magnetization switching in thin film iron rhodium alloy (Fe0.52Rh0.48) demonstrated by local laser heating.
PARADIM Highlight #25
Selected as Inside Cover June 2020 Advanced Materials.
Full Reference: A.B. Mei, I. Gray, Y. Tang, J. Schubert, D. Werder, J. Bartell, D.C. Ralph, G.D. Fuchs, and D.G. Schlom, “Local Photothermal Control of Phase Transitions for On-Demand Room-Temperature Rewritable Magnetic Patterning,” Adv. Mater. 32, 2001080 (2020).

December 18, 2018: NSF DMR Webinar: Materials Innovation Platforms

April 11, 2017: PARADIM's Eun-Ah Kim collaborates as part of a Group working toward devising next-gen superconductor

February 7, 2017: World Record 300 bar Floating Zone Furnace

March 7, 2016: The Cornell Daily Sun on PARADIM
March 4, 2016: NSF Press Release, JHU Press Release (Hub Article), Cornell Press Release