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REU Participants


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NAME: Mr. Xavier Baza

Intern Major and College: Physics, UCLA

PI: Darrell Schlom

Cornell Mentor: Steven Zeltmann

PARADIM REU Project: Developing new approaches to tilt-corrected bright-field scanning transmission electron microscopy

BIO:  Xavier is from Santee, California and born in Dededo, Guam.  He is currently a rising senior at UCLA studying physics. At UCLA, Xavier works under Dr. Anshul Kogar using pump- probe experimental techniques to measure transient reflectivity and study out-of-equilibrium dynamics. Outside of class,  Xavier plans to pursue a PhD in condensed matter physics where he hopes to continue his study of out-of-equilibrium dynamics and perfect his craft. He aspires to utilize his time spent at Cornell to improve his experimental techniques and learn from established faculty. Xavier enjoys playing his guitar and going on trips to enjoy nature and the outdoors.


Final presentation     Research Poster    Research report


NAME: Ms. Julianne Chen

Intern Major and College:Materials Science and Engineering, Penn State

PI: Darrell Schlom

Cornell Mentor: Jacob Steele

PARADIM REU Project: Growth and Doping of ⍺-(AlXGa1-X)2O3 using Suboxide Molecular-Beam Epitaxy

Fabrication and optimization of alpha gallium oxide thin films through molecular beam epitaxy

BIO:  Julianne Chen is from Los Angeles, California. She is currently a rising senior at Pennsylvania State University studying materials science and engineering. At PSU, she has done research with Professor John Mauro and Dr. Hunter Rauch on LionGlass and additive manufacturing, respectively. In her free time, Julianne is a professional pastry chef who plays the guitar and dances.

Final presentation     Research Poster    Research report


NAME: Ms. Morgan Congdon

Intern Major and College: Materials Science and Engineering, University of Florida

PI: Darrell Schlom

Cornell Mentor: Maya Ramesh

PARADIM REU Project: Emergent Topological and Hierarchical Ordered Structures (ETHOS)

BIO:  Morgan is a rising senior from Ocoee, Florida. She attends the University of Florida (UF) where she majors in Materials Science and Engineering (MSE). Morgan has previously done research in Dr.Ryan Need's group at UF. Specifically, she has worked toward optimizing 2-dimensional electron gas phenomena in bulk strontium titanate and quantifying oxygen diffusion in epitaxial perovskite thin films. Morgan plans to attend graduate school in MSE. She seeks to empower women and girls to pursue their dreams through her involvement with the Society of Women Engineers, and she aims to promote professional literacy among MSE students with the Material Advantage student chapter at UF. Outside of academia, Morgan enjoys hiking, playing volleyball, and learning new languages.

Final presentation     Research Poster    Research report


NAME: Ms.Viviana Glick

Intern Major and College: Chemistry, Haverford College

PI: Darrell Schlom

Cornell Mentor:Dylan Sotir

PARADIM REU Project: Oxide Growth Using Adsorption-Controlled Windows

BIO:  Viviana is from Chicago, IL. She is a rising senior at Haverford College, majoring in Chemistry. Her research interests lie primarily in materials science with a sustainability focus and she plans to pursue a PhD in Chemistry. At Haverford, she works in Professor Alex Norquist’s lab, exploring metal-halide crystal structures for perovskite solar cell applications. Last summer (2023), she worked in Professor Mark Hersam’s lab at Northwestern University, developing a process for scaling up and decreasing the carbon footprint of graphene production. In her free time, she enjoys cooking, running, making jewelry, and playing music.

Final presentation     Research Poster    Research report


NAME: Ms. Sonia Hasko

Intern Major and College: Chemical and Biological Engineering, Princeton University

PI: Darrell Schlom

Cornell Mentor: Tobias Schwaigert

PARADIM REU Project: KTaO3, KNbO3, and EuTaO3 using molecular beam epitaxy and thin film characterization techniques

BIO: Sonia Hasko is from Queens, New York and is a rising junior at Princeton University. She is studying Chemical and Biological Engineering while also pursuing a minor in Materials Science. At Cornell, she will be conducting research with Tobias Schwaigert on KTaO3, KNbO3, and EuTaO3 using molecular beam epitaxy and thin film characterization techniques. In her free time, Sonia likes baking, watching medical dramas, and exploring NYC.

Final presentation     Research Poster    Research report.   Published


NAME: Mr. Soren Hellyer

Intern Major and College: Materials Engineering, Iowa State University

PI: Darrell Schlom

Cornell Mentor: Cameron Gorsak

PARADIM REU Project: Metal Organic Chemical Vapor Deposition (MOCVD) Growth and Characterization of Thick Homoepitaxial β-Ga2O3

BIO:  Soren Hellyer is from Zumbrota, Minnesota. He is a rising senior at Iowa State University studying Materials Engineering with a focus on ceramic and electronic materials. At Iowa State, he is currently working in Dr. Sid Pathak’s research group studying the effects of gravity, temperature, and aging on the microstructure and properties of solder. He hopes to pursue a PhD and eventually work on semiconductors for use in clean energy applications. In his free time, Soren enjoys practicing the trumpet, playing board games, and watching soccer.

Final presentation     Research Poster    Research report


NAME: Mr. Lawrence Qiu

Intern Major and College: Electrical Engineering, Tufts University

PI: Darrell Schlom

Cornell Mentor: Evan Krysko

PARADIM REU Project: Searching for a Chern Insulating State in LaRuO3/LaAlO3 Heterostructures

BIO: Larry is from Newton, Massachusetts and currently attends Tufts University. He is a rising sophomore majoring in Electrical Engineering. At Tufts, he conducts research at the school’s molecular beam epitaxy lab, characterizing and modeling samples using spectroscopic ellipsometry. His research interests include materials science and microfabrication, and in the future, he hopes to earn a graduate degree in these fields. Outside of research, he is involved in the school’s solar vehicle team as treasurer and member of the sponsorship and panel assembly groups.

Final presentation     Research Poster    Research report


NAME: Ms. Vianne Stanford

Intern Major and College: Physics, University of Maryland, Baltimore County

PI: Darrell Schlom

Cornell Mentor: Lopa Bhatt

PARADIM REU Project: Probing strongly correlated phases in oxides at atomic scale with scanning transmission electron microscopy (STEM)

BIO:  Vianne Stanford is from Howard County, MD, and is a freshman at the University of Maryland Baltimore County (UMBC) majoring in physics minoring in astrophysics and math. Her goal is to attain a PhD in astrophysics. Vianne is preparing for a career based in public outreach and computational research. Her previous research includes mapping kinematic distances of masers with Dr. Elena D’Onghia of the University of Wisconsin-Madison. One of her goals is to make physics more accessible to girls and women. Vianne is an Eagle Scout and has earned black belts in multiple disciplines. Her hobbies include playing D&D and Gumshoe, storytelling, creating abstract art, and painting figurines.

Final presentation     Research Poster    Research report

Van Orman

NAME: Mr. Isaac Van Orman

Intern Major and College: Physics, Carleton College

PI: Darrell Schlom

Cornell Mentor: Noah Schnitzer

PARADIM REU Project: Probing metal-insulator transitions in oxide thin films with cryo-STEM

BIO:  Isaac is from Cleveland, Ohio. He is a rising senior at Carleton College, where he is majoring in physics with a minor in mathematics. After graduation, he plans to pursue a PhD in physics. Isaac’s previous research opportunities include high-pressure experimental geophysics, ab initio chemical simulation, and biological modeling with cellular automata, and he has a keen interest in condensed matter. Outside of coursework and research, Isaac enjoys playing basketball, weightlifting, and hiking

Final presentation     Research Poster    Research report


NAME: Mr. Eric Welp

Intern Major and College: Physics and Engineering Science, Penn State 

PI: Darrell Schlom

Cornell Mentor: Kathy Azizie

PARADIM REU Project: Surface treatment for stepped on vicinal (100) Ga2O3 substrates for homoepitaxial growth by S-MBE

BIO:  Eric is from Macungie, Pennsylvania. He is a rising sophomore at Penn State University, where he is double- majoring in Physics and Engineering Science, specializing in Semiconductor and Quantum Materials and Devices. At Penn State, he has previously worked in semiconductor defect characterization with Dr. Patrick Lenahan’s group, designing and utilizing new magnetic resonance techniques. He plans to attend graduate school with a focus on electronic materials, and outside of academics, Eric is a member of Penn State Club Curling, loves baking, and is an avid wildlife and nature photographer.

Final presentation     Research Poster    Research report

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NAME: Mr. Sebastian Grabill

Intern Major and College: Computer Science, Physics and Math, Calvin University

PI: Tyrel McQueen

Johns Hopkins Mentor: David Elbert

PARADIM REU Project: Innovative Materials Innovative Infrastructure of MGI 2.0

BIO:  Sebastian Grabill is from Grand Rapids, Michigan, and is a rising Junior at Calvin University, majoring in Computer Science, Physics, and Mathematics. His research spans experimental science and applied machine learning. In the Physics Department at Calvin, he leads a lab performing high-precision experiments on single ion-channel behaviors and computational representation. His past research includes developing machine learning models at Caltech and deep learning for spatial recognition at UCLA. Sebastian plans to pursue a Ph.D. in computational physics, focusing on applying machine learning and parallel processing techniques to solve problems in physics. In his free time, Sebastian enjoys martial arts, weight training, and reading

Final presentation     Research Poster    Research report


NAME: Ms. Madalyn Gragg

Intern Major and College: Physics and Mechanical Engineering, Oregon State University

PI: Tyrel McQueen

Johns Hopkins Mentor: Gregory Bassen

PARADIM REU Project: Topotactic Superconductor Discovery

BIO: Madalyn, often shortened to “Mads” or “Maddie”, is from a rural town named Wamic in the state of Oregon. She is a rising senior at Oregon State University (OSU) where she is double-majoring in physics and mechanical engineering with a minor in materials science. She has performed original research in the development of organic optoelectronic materials and devices with the Organic Photonics and Electronics group at OSU. She wants to pursue a PhD in chemical physics with a focus on characterizing photonic materials that could create new, environmentally friendly solar harvesting technologies. When not in classes or an optics lab, Madalyn enjoys learning about various historical time periods and participating in writing circles where she shares her work and edits others.

Final presentation     Research Poster    Research report


NAME: Ms. Shreenithi Katta  

Intern Major and College: Physics, Georgia Tech

PI: Tyrel McQueen

Johns Hopkins Mentor: Thomas Whoriskey

PARADIM REU Project: Exploration of Nickelate Synthesis with High Pressure Floating Zone techniques

BIO:  Shreenithi is from Aurora, Illinois and will be a rising senior at Georgia Tech in the summer.She is a physics major doing research in the neutron scattering group led by Dr. Martin Mourigal here at Tech. Her work involves the structural and magnetic characterization of 2D rare-earth materials using x-ray diffraction, magnetic susceptibility, heat capacity, and neutron diffraction. After graduating in the fall and she plans to pursue graduate school in either materials science or condensed matter physics. Outside of the lab, Shreenithi enjoys playing volleyball, bowling, and binging on chocolates.

Final presentation     Research Poster    Research report


NAME: Mr. Naman J. Parikh  

Intern Major and College: Physics and Computer Science, Carnegie Melon University

PI: Tyrel McQueen

Johns Hopkins Mentor: David Albert

PARADIM REU Project: Innovative Materials Innovative Infrastructure of MGI 2.0

BIO: Naman Parikh is from North Wales, Pennsylvania. He is a rising junior at Carnegie Mellon University, where he is majoring in physics and computer science. He has done research in the past using machine learning to study and predict properties of 2D magnetic materials and organic solar cells. In the future, Naman hopes to solve world problems using computing to advance new materials and technologies. In his free time, Naman enjoys cooking, bowling, and making origami with friends.

Final presentation     Research Poster    Research report


NAME: Mr. Quentin Simmons

Intern Major and College: Physics and Materials Science, University of Virginia

PI: Tyrel McQueen

Johns Hopkins Mentor: Allana Iwanicki

PARADIM REU Project: Exploratory Hydroflux Synthesis of Copper Tellurates

BIO:  Quentin Simmons is from Madison, WI, and is a rising fourth year at the University of Virginia. He is majoring in Physics and minoring in Material Science and Spanish. Currently, Quentin is working with Professor Gia-Wei Chern at UVA conducting theoretical condensed matter physics research. He builds computational models to study real world materials, specifically trying to understand the different phases that arise from competing interactions in a material. In his free time, Quentin enjoys watching both American and  English Football, where he is a Green Bay Packers and Leeds United fan respectively, and playing disc golf.

Final presentation     Research Poster    Research report




NAME: Ms. Clara Jackson

Intern Major and College: Physics, Clark Atlanta University

PI: Darrell Schlom

Cornell Mentor: Anna Park/Evan Li

PARADIM REU Project: Superlattice of h-LuFeO3 and CoFe2O4 as a potential room-temperature multiferroic

Controlling the p-type conductivity of SnO thin films

BIO: Clara is originally from Macon, Georgia. She has completed her undergraduate studies at Clark Atlanta University as a dual-degree student where she pursued a degree in physics. However, her academic journey doesn't end there. In the fall, Clara will be transferring to Georgia Institute of Technology, a partnering school, to pursue her material science and engineering degree. At CAU, She has done undergraduate research in characterizations where she used different substrate samples for the synthesis for VS2. She is hoping to pursue a PhD in the future in materials science. In her free time, she enjoys crocheting, painting, and gardening.

Final presentation     Research Poster    Research report


NAME: Mr. Kedar Johnson

Intern Major and College: Electrical Engineering and Applied Physics, Morehouse College

PI: Darrell Schlom

Cornell Mentor: Luka Mitrovic

PARADIM REU Project: Strain-stabilized superconductivity in binary oxide rutiles

BIO: Kedar currently lives in Dallas, Georgia and is a  rising senior from Morehouse college dual majoring in electrical engineering and applied physics. Working with the PREM program at CAU, Kedar performs research on the growth and characterization of transition metal dichalcogenides and other ultrathin materials under the supervision of Dr. Indika Matara Kankanamge and Dr. Michael D. Williams. He hopes to pursue a career in the electrical engineering field and use what he has learned in his research to make more informed decisions and provide insights during his career path. In his free time he likes to draw, do digital art, read compelling fiction, and even do some baking.

Final presentation     Research Poster    Research poster


NAME: Ms. Robin Rouseau

Intern Major and College: Physics, Clark Atlanta University

PI: Darrell Schlom

Cornell Mentor: Hari Premakumari 

PARADIM REU Project: Probing materials at atomic scale

BIO: Robin Rouseau is from Detroit, Michigan and she is currently a rising junior pursuing a Bachelor’s degree in physics at Clark Atlanta University. Robin’s past research includes a Material Science Research Project studying the properties of polymers at Penn State University. In the future, she plans to pursue a Master’s degree and a future in mechanical engineering. In her free time, Robin enjoys going out/exploring the city, being social, listening to music, and watching sports.

Final presentation     Research Poster    Research report


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NAME: Mr. Henry Bowman

Intern Major and College: Physics and Mathematics, Carleton College

PI: Darrell Schlom

Cornell Mentor: Cameron Gorsak

PARADIM REU Project: Optimizing the Metal Organic Chemical Vapor Deposition (MOCVD) Growth and Preparation of β-Ga2O3

BIO: Henry is from Lafayette, Colorado. He is a rising senior at Carleton College where he is double-majoring in physics and math. He has previously done research in atmospheric chemistry with the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), as well as research in bulk crystal growth with Dr. Valentin Taufour's group at UC Davis. As someone who loves the outdoors, Henry is driven to pursue a more sustainable future through a better understanding and utilization of materials. He plans to attend graduate school in materials science or condensed matter physics. Outside of the lab and the classroom, Henry runs cross country and track at Carleton and enjoys coffee, the view from his hammock, and reading. 


Final presentation     Research Poster     Research report    Published


DOE SULI program working with NREL and LBNL to produce epitaxial nitride films for better-performing qubits. 


NAME: Ms. Ishani Cheshire

Intern Major and College: Physics and Astrophysics, University California, Berkeley

PI: Darrell Schlom

Cornell Mentor: Harikrishnan Kunhikrishnan Premakumari 

PARADIM REU Project: Watching the dance of atoms

BIO: Ishani Cheshire is from San Jose, California. She is a rising senior at UC Berkeley where she studies Physics and Astrophysics. Ishani’s previous research includes analyzing the kinematics of young stars in order to estimate the age of stellar clusters. She is hoping to pursue a PhD in Astrophysics. In her free time, Ishani enjoys running, hiking, and writing poetry.


Final presentation     Research Poster     Research report


Applying to present my 2023 REU research at CUWip this winter


NAME: Ms Yufan Feng

Intern Major and College: Chemical Engineering/ Material Science Engineering, Cornell University

PI: Darrell Schlom

Cornell Mentor: Qi Song

PARADIM REU Project: Electrical transport study of metallic delafossites by tuning thickness and dopant concentration

BIO: Yufan (Yvonne) Feng is from Kunming, Yunnan, China. She is currently a rising junior at Cornell University majoring in Chemical Engineering, and probably with a minor in Materials Science and Engineering. She is doing research in Professor Darrell Schlom’s group and focused on In situ thermal preparation of oxide surfaces. In the future, she wishes to pursue a Ph.D. in chemical engineering or material science. Yufan enjoys swimming, kayaking, and playing tennis. 


Final presentation        Research Poster         Research report.      Published


NAME: Mr. Casey Kim

Intern Major and College: Materials Science Engineering, Cornell University

PI: Darrell Schlom

Cornell Mentor: Jinkwon Kim 

PARADIM REU Project: Optimizing Superconductivity in Sr2RuO4 Thin Films with Varying Cation Flux Ratio Grown by Molecular-Beam Epitaxy

BIO: Casey Kim is from Geoje-si, South Korea. He is currently a rising senior at Cornell University studying materials science and engineering with minor in business. He has been working with Professor Darrell Schlom in designing parts that increase reliability and functionality of the MBE system and studying high-temperature superconducting cuprates. Outside of class, Casey enjoys weightlifting, going for a run, and playing video games.


Final presentation     Research Poster     Research report


NAME: Mr. Tomas Kraay

Intern Major and College: Material Science Engineering, Cornell University

PI: Darrell Schlom

Cornell Mentor: Anna Park

PARADIM REU Project: Laser-heated Termination of Oxide Single Crystal Substrates

BIO: Tomas Kraay is from Alexandria, VA. He is a rising junior at Cornell University, majoring in Materials Science and Engineering. At Cornell, he works in Professor Darrell Schlom’s group, characterizing oxide thin films with metal-insulator transitions and improving surface quality of oxide substrates by laser annealing. In the future, he hopes to pursue a Ph.D. in Materials Science. Outside of class, Tomas enjoys working as an undergraduate teaching assistant, reading history books, and playing cello and piano.


Final presentation     Research Poster     Research report


NAME: Ms. Adriana Lavopa

Intern Major and College: Materials Science Engineering, University of Florida

PI: Darrell Schlom

Cornell Mentor: Evan Li

PARADIM REU Project: MBE growth of ferrite multiferroics and related phases

BIO: Adriana LaVopa is from Jacksonville, Florida and currently attends the University of Florida. She is a rising junior majoring in Materials Science and Engineering and minoring in Linguistics. At UF, she conducts research in the field of synthetic biology, designing recombinant protein vesicles with sensory capabilities in Dr. Yeongseon Jang's group. Outside of research, she leads a design team that partners with local museums to create exhibits that integrate art and engineering. In her free time, she enjoys indoor rock climbing, reading fantasy, and making art.


 Final Presentation            Research poster           Research report


Awarded the Robert A. Bryan Scholarship for excellence in engineering by the University of Florida Herbert Wertheim College of Engineering.  She joined the UF bladesmithing design team as the Aesthetics Team lead - working on designing and forging a bhuj, and presenting it at the 2024 TMS Bladesmithing Competition. Interning with GE Aerospace, working to increase the efficiency of engine production.


NAME: Ms. Kira Martin

Intern Major and College: Material Science Engineering, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

PI: Darrell Schlom

Cornell Mentor: Jacob Steele

PARADIM REU Project: Growth and Doping of ⍺-(AlXGa1-X)2O3 using Suboxide Molecular-Beam Epitaxy

BIO: Kira Martin is from Frankfort, IL. She is currently a rising senior at University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign studying materials science and engineering. At UIUC she has done research with Professor David Ruzic in the field of PVD sputtering and thin film characterization. She hopes to purse a Ph.D. in materials science and continue research related to thin films. In her free time Kira enjoys baking, knitting, and spending times outdoors.


Final presentation     Research Poster   Research report


Presenting her REU poster at the Undergraduate Student Poster Competition at the 2023 Material Science & Engineering conference. Starting in the Materials Science and Engineering PhD program at Stanford in 2024. She was awarded the NSF GRFP fellowship.


NSF GRFP award


NAME: Mr. Ian Mercer

Intern Major and College: Material Science Engineering, North Carolina State Univeristy

PI: Darrell Schlom

Cornell Mentor: Neha Wadehra

PARADIM REU Project: Epitaxial growth and characterization of the first five members of the layered Srn+1RunO3n+1 oxide series

BIO: Ian has always had a fascination with established and novel electronic materials. Through work on RF Sputtering, MBE, and LPE with Kaveh Ahadi, as well as staying busy with hobbyist projects at home, he is consistently working to broaden his expertise and challenge his current knowledge set. Plans of pursuing a Ph.D are certain, however he hopes his time at PARADIM will narrow his focus on where he will continue his academic journey. Outside of formal labs Ian loves to spend time in his home lab (his garage) with projects ranging from 3D printing, building robots, radiation cloud chambers, high voltage electronics, wood working, astrophotography, and much more to come!


Final presentation     Research Poster     Research report


NAME: Ms. Phreandria (PJ) Miller

Intern Major and College: Chemistry, Texas A&M University

PI: Darrell Schlom

Cornell Mentor: Jinkwon Kim 

PARADIM REU Project: Growth of high-temperature superconducting cuprate thin films

BIO: PJ Miller is a rising senior at Texas A and M University. She is studying chemistry with a minor in Spanish. In her free time she coupons, bakes, and travels internationally. She is also an officer in global public health brigades as well as the student council of arts and science. After graduating with her bachelors degree she plans to pursue graduate school. She has researched leishmaniasis in San Isidro, Costa Rica and iron sulfur pathways in the Barondeau group at Texas A and M.


Final presentation     Research Poster     Research report


NAME: Mr. Luke Omodt

Intern Major and College: Physics, Augsburg University

PI: Darrell Schlom

Cornell Mentor: Maya Ramesh

PARADIM REU Project: Pb2Ir2O7 Thin Film Growth for Spin Transport

BIO: Luke Omodt is from Minneapolis, MN. He is currently a rising junior at Augsburg University studying physics and chemistry with a minor in mathematics. At Augsburg University he has done research with Professor Moumita Dasgupta in the field of biophysics, creating scaled up models of flagella to study flagellar bundling. In his free time he enjoys playing soccer and tennis as well as enjoying the outdoors.


Final presentation     Research Poster     Research report


Barry Goldwater Scholarship


NAME: Mr. Nicholas Redwing

Intern Major and College: Materials Science Engineering, Penn State University

PI: Darrell Schlom

Cornell Mentor: Nicholas Parker

PARADIM REU Project: Epitaxial stabilization of the hexagonal polymorph of ScFeO3

BIO: Nicholas Redwing is from State College, Pennsylvania and is a rising senior at Pennsylvania State University, where he is majoring in Materials Science and Engineering. He has done research on the synthesis and characterization of 2D monolayer and heterolayer structures of MoS2, WS2, and WSe2 at Penn State. He is also currently leading a project on depositing TaS2 thin films on C-plane sapphire substrates for characterization of their 2D charge density wave capabilities. Nicholas’ other research interests include thin films, metal contacts, and semiconductors overall. Outside of school, Nicholas enjoys playing basketball, working out, riding bicycles, and playing video games.


Final presentation     Research Poster     Research report


NAME: Ms. Hayley Ruddick

Intern Major and College: Materials Science Engineering, Arizona State University

PI: Darrell Schlom

Cornell Mentor: Tobias Schwaigert

PARADIM REU Project: Superconductivity in ferroelectric KTO

BIO: Hayley is a rising senior at Arizona State University at the Tempe Campus majoring in Materials Science Engineering. She conducts research in 2D semiconductor growth and characterization with Professor Sefaattin Tongay, focusing on techniques such as Chemical vapor transport,  Bridgman, and Flux growth methods and has experience with scanning electron microscopy & energy dispersive spectroscopy, x-ray diffraction, photoluminescent and Raman spectroscopy. Aside from academics she is VP of the women’s rowing team, weightlifting, swims, and competes in intramural soccer.


Final presentation     Research Poster     Research report


NAME: Ms. Yongwen Zheng

Intern Major and College: Math and Physics, University of Michigan

PI: David Muller

Cornell Mentor: Steven Zeltmann

PARADIM REU Project: Measuring strain at sharp interfaces using 4D-STEM

BIO: Yongwen is from Ann Arbor, and  a rising junior in the University of Michigan. She intends to pursue a Ph.D., and is interested in the fundamental constituents of the universe such as force fields and matters. These fields draw her attention to theoretical and experimental high energy physics as well as condensed matter. At UMich, Yongwen  worked on synthesizing fluorescent organic cross-linkers in the Lahann Lab to help targeted drug delivery. Outside of STEM, she enjoys learning about social science, philosophy, and economics. Previously, she studied social media's role in election violence at Cote d'Ivoire with Dr. Justine Davis. In her free time, Yongwen likes to play piano and competitive table tennis, read books, and discuss philosophy.


Final presentation     Research Poster     Research report

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NAME: Mr. Jayson Johnson

Intern Major and College: Mechanical Engineering, Howard University

PI: Tyrel McQueen

Johns Hopkins Mentor: Thomas Whoriskey

PARADIM REU Project: Incorporating machine learning into free energy calculations to aid in the synthesis of rare earth nickelates

BIO: Jayson was born in Silver Spring, Maryland and is a rising sophomore, KARSH STEM Scholar at Howard University.  At HU, Jayson works with Dr. Sonya Smith conducting research on heat transfer for hypersonic vehicles. He is also the cofounder of the HU Tech. In his free time he loves working out, cooking, and hanging out with friends. He is grateful to be working with PARADIM in the McQueen Laboratory with fellow researchers! 


Final presentation     Research Poster     Research report


NAME: Ms. Aviana Judd

Intern Major and College: Materials Engineering, University of Kentucky

PI: Tyrel McQueen

Johns Hopkins Mentor: Satya Kushwaha

PARADIM REU Project: Tuning the Properties of Er 3+ Hosts for Improved Quantum Information Processing

BIO: Aviana Judd is from Wilmore, Kentucky. She is a rising sophomore at the University of Kentucky majoring in Materials Engineering. Here she previously worked with Dr. Isabel Escobar on developing greener membranes for water filtration. Aviana is also an officer in UK's Society of Women Engineers. She is grateful to be a part of PARADIM and the McQueen Lab this summer and plans on continuing to participate in research at the University of Kentucky. In her free time, Aviana enjoys hiking, reading, and salsa dancing.


Final presentation     Research Poster     Research report


NAME: Mr. Gannon Murray

Intern Major and College: Chemistry, Earlham College

PI: Tyrel McQueen

Johns Hopkins Mentor: David Elbert and Brandon Wilfong

PARADIM REU Project: Comparing various rare-earth vanadate growth techniques for the purpose of demonstrating the end-to-end implementation of the GEMD (Graphical Expression of Materials Data) platform for laboratory metadata instantiation. 

BIO: Gannon Murray is from Fresno, CA and is currently pursuing a degree in Chemistry from Earlham College. At Earlham, he has conducted research in the laboratory of Dr. Michael Lerner to computationally predict metastasis of angiosarcomas and carcinomas in cooperation with the Johns Hopkins medical campus. After graduation, Gannon hopes to pursue a PhD in Chemistry or Materials Science. Outside of of academics, Gannon enjoys performing as a jazz musician, baking, and being outdoors.


Final presentation     Research Poster     Research report


NAME: Mr. Nathan Song

Intern Major and College: Physics, Mathematics, University of California at Berkeley

PI: Tyrel McQueen

Johns Hopkins Mentor: Tyrel McQueen

PARADIM REU Project: ML driven design of oxidation resistant superconductors" (continuation of Carson's work)

BIO: Nathan Song is from Diamond Bar, CA. He is currently a rising junior at U.C. Berkeley studying Physics and Mathematics. At Cal, he has done research on creating optical lattices for neutral atom traps with Professor Dan Stamper-Kurn's Ultracold AMO group. In his free time Nathan reads, plays video games, and cooks.


Final presentation     Research Poster     Research report


Summer Research Explorers Program (SREP)


NAME: Ms. Selena Coye

Major and College: BS in Physics,  Clark-Atlanta University

PI: Darrell Schlom

Cornell Mentor: Katie Azizie

PARADIM SREP Project: Surface analysis of b-ga2o3 growth by suboxide molecular beam epitaxy

BIO: Selena Coye graduated Clark Atlanta University Cum Laude with a Bachelor of science in Physics. She will be returning to Clark Atlanta University this fall to pursue a Master of Physics. She has done undergraduate research in characterization of tungsten disulfide on sapphire, and MoS2 on sapphire and silicon. In her free time, she enjoys stargazing and shopping.


Final presentation     Research Poster     Research report      PUBLISHED


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Ms. Anna Capuano

Intern Major and College: Materials Engineering, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute

PI: Darrell Schlom

Cornell Mentor: Brendan Faeth

PARADIM REU Project: Development of real-time integration tools for the comparison of angle resolved photoemission spectroscopy (ARPES) data and density functional theory (DFT) band structure predictions.

Anna Capuano is from Altamont, NY. She is currently a rising junior at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute studying materials engineering and planning to minor in computer science.  At RPI, she has done research with Professor Jian Shi in the field of optoelectronics, looking at the bulk photovoltaic effect. In her free time Anna competes on the RPI Cross Country and Track team and enjoys hiking, skiing and everything outdoors!

Final presentation     Research Poster     Research report


Pursuing  PhD at North Carolina State University in electronic materials.



Mr. Saisrinivas Gudivada

Intern Major and College: Physics and Math, UC Berkley

PI: Darrell Schlom

Cornell Mentor: Betul Pamuk

PARADIM REU Project: Integration of density functional theory band structure calculations withangle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy

Sri Gudivada is from Plano, TX. He is currently a rising junior at the University of California - Berkeley pursuing his bachelor's degree in Physics. He's been conducting research in 2D materials and analyzing their properties using spectroscopic techniques. Outside of academics, Sri likes to read, play the flute, and consume DC content. 

Final presentation     Research Poster     Research report



Mr. Kevin Hernandez

Intern Major and College: Astrophysics and Math, University California Berkley

PI: Lena Kourkoutis

Cornell Mentor: Noah Schnitzer

PARADIM REU Project: Tracking a metal-insulator transition in a ruthenate thin film with cryo-STEM

Kevin Hernandez grew up in a small town Fontana in California and attends the University of California, Berkeley, where he intends to major in Astrophysics/Physics and Mathematics as well as obtaining a teaching credential through CalTeach. Kevin's past research includes exoplanet characterization of Kepler-13Ab. He wishes to pursue a Ph.D. in either Physics or Astronomy and someday be a director of a science institute. In his free time, he enjoys running competitively, trying new recipes, developing applications and social dancing.

Final presentation     Research Poster     Research report



Mr. Evan Krysko

Intern Major and College: Physics and Math, Penn State University

PI: Darrell Schlom

Cornell Mentor: NEHA

PARADIM REU Project: Characterization of ruthenate thin films to check for unconventional topological superconductivity and optical transparency

Evan Krysko is from Scranton, PA.  He is a rising senior at Penn State University studying physics and mathematics.  At Penn State, Evan has conducted research on high-entropy oxides in Professor Zhiqiang Mao’s Quantum Materials Laboratory.  In the future, he hopes to pursue a Ph.D. in physics or materials science while continuing to study novel materials.  Evan enjoys playing basketball and video games in his spare time.

Final presentation     Research Poster     Research report



Graduate school at Cornell PARADIM



Mr. Joey Lin

Intern Major and College: Material Science and Engineering, Cornell 

PI: James Hwang

Cornell Mentor: James Hwang

PARADIM REU Project: Millimeter-wave Electrical Permittivity of Semiconductors and Insulators

Joey Lin is born in Ithaca but grew up between Taiwan and Ithaca. He is a rising junior at Cornell University majoring in Material Science and Engineering. He is currently doing research in Professor Darrell Schlom’s group. He is hoping to find the type of material he will work with in the future. For his research in REU, he will design the equipment for microwave activation of semiconductor dopants. In his free time, he enjoys reading manga/comics, music, and video games.

Final presentation     Research Poster     Research report    


Mr. Ciaran MacKenzie

Intern Major and College: Ceramics Engineering, Alfred State University

PI: Darrell Schlom

Cornell Mentor: Jacob Steele

PARADIM REU Project: Toward ⍺-(AlxGa1-x)2O3 By Suboxide MBE

Ciaran Mackenzie is from Brooktondale, NY.  He is currently a rising senior at Inamori School of Engineering, Alfred University, NY, where he is completing his bachelor’s degree in Ceramic Engineering, with a minor in Mathematics. For his senior thesis, he will be testing with Y2O3 stabilized ZrO2 powder and ceramic bodies. Outside of school Ciaran loves being outdoors and working with animals as well as playing card and board games.

Final presentation     Research Poster     Research report


PhD program the Nano Science department of the University at Albany



Mr. Reid Markland

Intern Major and College: Physics and Math, Auburn University

PI: Darrell Schlom

Cornell Mentor: Maya Ramesh

PARADIM REU Project: Emergent Topological and Hierarchical Ordered Structures (ETHOS)

Raised in Birmingham, AL, Reid Markland is a rising junior at Auburn University pursuing majors in physics and mathematics. At Auburn, Reid has assisted in research with the FINO Lab group in the development of a neural network designed to increase automation in the growth of thin films through the interpretation of RHEED images. After graduating Auburn, he hopes to continue his studies into theoretical condensed matter or high energy physics in graduate school. Reid’s hobbies include philosophical reading/writing, water sports, cooking, and home DIY projects.

Final presentation     Research Poster     Research report



Mr. Yacob Melman

Intern Major and College: Chemical Engineering, Clarkson University

PI: Darrell Schlom

Cornell Mentor: Cameron Gorsak

PARADIM REU Project: Quasi-2D metallic oxides with electrical conductivities rivaling copper and silver

Yacob Melman is from Potsdam, NY, and is currently attending Clarkson University and pursuing a bachelor's degree in Chemical Engineering. At Clarkson, he works in Professor Evgeny Katz's laboratory, conducting research focusing on fluorometric biosensors designed to test the concentration of various substrates, as well as work involving enzyme cascade logic gates. He would like to continue participating in research through his next years, and is excited to attend the PARADIM program and expand his research experience and knowledge. In his spare time, Yacob enjoys playing various sports, reading, and playing piano.

Final presentation     Research Poster     Research report 



Mr. Erdem Ozdemir

Intern Major and College: Material Science Engineering, University of Michigan

PI: James Hwang

Cornell Mentor: James Hwang

PARADIM REU Project: Microwave Activation of Semiconductor Dopants

Erdem Ozdemir is from Macomb, Michigan and currently attends University of Michigan - Ann Arbor, where he is majoring in Material Science and Engineering and minoring in Internationalism. At UMich, Erdem has previously done research on hysteretic swelling and deswelling of polyelectrolytes as well as the rheology of polyelectrolytes. More currently, he is working with Professor Rachel Goldman to characterize Mg diffusion in GaN using ion beam channeling. He also participates on UMich's Concrete Canoe project team, where he leads the mix design team in researching and developing a lightweight concrete to be used in the canoe. Outside of class, Erdem enjoys making coffee, playing video games, and jamming out to hyperpop.

Final presentation     Research Poster     Research report    Published



Mr. Ethan Ray

Intern Major and College: Materials Science Engineering, Georgia Institute of Technology

PI: Darrell Schlom

Cornell Mentor: Tobias Schwaigert

PARADIM REU Project: Growth and Characterization of Ferroelectric KTaO3 Films and KTaO3/KNbO3 Superlattices.

Ethan Ray is a rising 2nd-year Materials Science and Engineering major from Lexington Park, MD, studying at the Georgia Institute of Technology as a Stamps President’s Scholar. At GT, Ethan is deeply involved in undergraduate research, working with thin-film ferroelectric materials synthesis at the Georgia Tech Research Institute. He also works in an additive manufacturing lab, designing, characterizing, and testing novel cryogenic shape memory alloys to pitch to industry specialists. Outside of research, Ethan serves as a Director and Dance Coordinator for the GT Filipino Student Association, choreographing modern and traditional Filipino performances to showcase at events and leading workshops around campus. Ethan is humbled and excited by the opportunity to work with PARADIM mentors, facilities, and fellow students this summer."

Final presentation     Research Poster     Research report    Published


REU research published in the Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology A and he have presented it at local conferences. He is continuing his degree in Materials Science and Engineering and research in functional nanomaterials GIT and  a summer internship; summer of 2023 he interned at the Vanderbilt Institute of Nanoscale Science and Engineering, working on controlling infrared light propagation using hyperbolic polaritons and subwavelength structure design. Through this project, he was awarded “Best Poster” at an undergraduate research symposium and a grant to continue this work and present at international conferences. Ethan plans to present at the Materials Research Society Meeting in Spring 2024. Outside of research,  He continues his involvement as an MSE Ambassador with the Georgia Tech Filipino Student Association where he serve as President. 


Barry Goldwater Scholarship



Ms. Qing Xu

Intern Major and College: Physics and Math, University of California Los Angeles

PI: Darrell Schlom

Cornell Mentor: Qi Song

PARADIM REU Project: Characterization of untwined epitaxial PdCoO2 and its electronic structure study

Qing Xu was born in New Haven, Connecticut and grew up in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania until 8, then she moved to China. She’s a rising junior at the University of California, Los Angeles, majoring in physics and minoring in math. She is also interested in biology and has been doing biophysics research with Professor Robijn Bruinma about viral dynamics, including viral assembly phase changes and kinetic selectivity. Qing is excited to be experiencing the field of material science at PARADIM. In her free time, she loves dancing and is an amateur ballroom dancer (Latin dance). 

Final presentation     Research Poster     Research report    Published 2022      Published 2024


Graduated from UCLA in 2023 currently  staying at UCLA doing full-time biophysics computational research.


Mr. Nicholas Redwing

Intern Major and College: Material Science and Engineering, Pennsylvannia University 

PI: Darrell Schlom

Cornell Mentor: Dylan Sotir

PARADIM REU Project: Shadow the MBE.ARPES group at PARADIM to learn more about thin film growing and characterization

Nicholas Redwing is from State College, Pennsylvania and is a rising junior at Pennsylvania State University, where he is majoring in Materials Science and Engineering. Nicholas has done research on the synthesis and characterization of 2D monolayer and heterolayer structures of MoS2 and WS2 at Penn State. He has also assisted in developing a process for MOCVD growth of TaS2. Nicholas’ other research interests include thin films and semiconductors. Outside of school, Nicholas enjoys playing basketball, working out, riding bicycles, and playing video games.

JHU logo




Mr. Sam Dawley

Intern Major and College: Chemistry and Applied Math, Johns Hopkins University

PI: Tyrel McQueen

Johns Hopkins Mentor: David Elbert

PARADIM REU Project: Creating the Materials Innovation Infrastructure of MGI 2.0: Streaming by design for materials characterization

Sam Dawley was born in Dover, Massachusetts and is a rising senior at Johns Hopkins University studying Chemistry and Applied Mathematics and Statistics with a focus on statistics and statistical learning. Sam began research in the Tovar Lab at Johns Hopkins, studying the synthesis and properties of organic materials possessing novel pi conjugation frameworks. Additionally, he’s gained experience with computational methods applied to both organic chemistry and quantum chemistry, the latter as a member of the Cheng research group at JHU. Beyond the classroom, Sam enjoys swimming, biking, and running, in no particular order.

Final presentation     Research Poster     Research report


Graduate student in the chemistry department at Princeton university studying computational and theoretical chemistry



Ms. Morgan Dierolf

Intern Major and College: Chemistry, Penn State University

PI: Tyrel McQueen

Johns Hopkins Mentor: Satya Kushwaha

PARADIM REU Project: New Qubit Host Materials for Quantum Information Science and Engineering

Morgan Dierolf is from the Lehigh Valley, PA. She is currently a rising senior at Penn State University majoring in chemistry with a minor in physics. At PSU, she does research under Dr. Elizabeth Elacqua on the pressure induced polymerization of co-crystals to form the novel 1D carbon material, nanothreads. Morgan’s future plans include pursuing a PhD in chemistry, focusing on materials synthesis and physical chemistry. She is also a part of PSU’s local ACS chapter, the Nittany Chemical Society (NCS). In her spare time, Morgan enjoys baking, listening to music, and drawing.

Final presentation     Research Poster     Research report



Ms. Abby Neill

Intern Major and College: Chemistry, University of Texas at Dallas

PI: Tyrel McQueen

Johns Hopkins Mentor: Evan Crites and Thomas Whoriskey

PARADIM REU Project: Development and Construction of New High Pressure and Temperature Capabilities

Abby Neill was born in New Braunfels, Texas and is currently attending The University of Texas at Dallas, majoring in chemistry. She has worked with Dr. Julia Chan in the field of intermetallic crystals and topological semicoductors, and intends to continue to study solid-state chemistry in her pursuit of a Ph.D. in chemistry and/or materials science. Currently, Abby is writing her undergraduate thesis on her work done in the Chan laboratory and is incredibly excited to continue her research journey with PARADIM. When she is not in the lab, Abby works as a campus tour guide for UTD, assists the chemistry student association by being their vice president, participates in musical theatre productions, and watches live music and theatre shows.

Final presentation     Research Poster     Research report



Ms. Catherine Phillips

Intern Major and College: Physics, Harvey Mudd College

PI: Tyrel McQueen

Johns Hopkin Mentor: David Elbert

PARADIM REU Project: Creating the Materials Innovation Infrastructure of MGI 2.0: Streaming by design for materials characterization

Catherine Phillips is a rising senior at Harvey Mudd College pursuing a bachelor’s degree in physics. They have previously worked with Prof. Nicholas Breznay on modeling electrical transport properties in 2D thin films. Their other academic interests include classics, writing, and contemporary art. In their free time, they enjoy playing video games, sewing, and going thrift shopping. 

Final presentation     Research Poster     Research report

julia W

Julia Saga Viktoria Camacho Wejbrandt

Intern Major and College: Biomedical Science, King's College, London (Johns Hopkins University year-abroad program) 

PI: Tyrel McQueen

Johns Hopkin Mentor: David Elbert

PARADIM REU Project: Creating the Materials Innovation Infrastructure of MGI 2.0: Streaming by design for materials characterization 

Julia Camacho Wejbrandt is half Swedish and half Brazilian, but grew up moving around Europe. She is a Biomedical Science student at King's College London, and has just completed her year abroad at Johns Hopkins University. Within her degree, she has a particular curiosity for neuroscience and dissection anatomy. While at Hopkins she has been conducting research at the Medical School on patients with chronic back pain, by monitoring their sleep through EEG recordings. In her free time, Julia likes to study religion, culture and philosophy. She is very enthusiastic to have joined the research team at PARADIM, McQueen Lab and Hopkin Extreme Materials Institute, and hopes to improve research autonomy computationally in these labs. 

Final presentation     Research Poster     Research report


Perusing a masters of research in Robotical Surgery at Imperial College London. Her research project  is investigating the use of magnetic actuation to manipulate nanoparticles for individual cell ablation.

NSF PREM logo  

Ms. Jordan Brown

Intern Major and College: Chemistry, Clark-Atlanta University

PI: Darrell Schlom

Cornell Mentor: Betul Pamuk

PARADIM REU Project: Electronic and vibrational properties of electron-doped transition-metalnitride halidesRNX(R= Zr, Hf andX= Cl, Br, I) from first principles

Jordan Brown is from Atlanta, Ga and she is a rising Senior at Clark Atlanta University, in Atlanta, Ga. She is in the Dual Degree program at her institution pursuing a Chemistry degree and will transfer to a partnering institution for her engineering degree. At CAU, she is working with Dr Dinadayalane Tandabany in conducting computational research on various subtopics. She is currently working on calculating Thermochemistry in Gaussian 16. Jordan is also a leader in the Mighty Marching Panther band and has an online business. In her free time, Jordan enjoys creating art, cooking, and reading. 

Final presentation     Research Poster     Research report


Ms. Jayda Shine

Intern Major and College: Physics and Astronomy at Spelman College

PI: Darrell Schlom

Cornell Mentor: Evan Yilin Li

PARADIM REU Project: Can BaFe12O19 be Transmuted into a Room-Temperature Ferrimagnetic Ferroelectric?

Jayda Shine was born in Clarksville, Tennessee and  attends Spelman College where she is majoring in Physics and Aerospace Engineering. Jayda has a goal to work someday for NASA. She is happy to participate in PARADIM as it is her first REU experience. In her free time she loves to watch Marvel movies, and have read dystopian novels. 

Final presentation     Research Poster     Research report


Ms. Bianca Brown

Intern Major and College: Chemistry, Clark Atlanta University

PI: Tyrel McQueen

Johns Hopkins Mentor: Tyrel McQueen

PARADIM REU Project: Development of Novel Polar and Ferroelectric Substrates for Heterostructure Integration

Bianca Brown was born in Bronx, NY, but was raised in Georgia and is currently attending school at Clark Atlanta University. She is majoring in Chemistry and hopes to graduate with a bachelor’s degree and then go on to medical school. At CAU Bianca is doing research with Dr.Li trying to create a reversible covalent organic framework and discover polymers. In her free time, Bianca enjoys time with her friends, reading, and spending time trying out different recipes.

Final presentation     Research Poster     Research report



Ms. Lanette Espinosa

Intern Major and College: Biochemistry, California State University

PI: Lena Kourkoutis

Cornell Mentor: Elisabeth Bianco

PARADIM REU Project: Probing 2-dimensional quantum materials at the atomic scale with scanning transmission electron microscopy


Lanette Espinosa was born and raised in Orange County, California and currently attends California State University, Fullerton majoring in Biochemistry. At CSUF, Lanette has been conducting computational research with Dr. Andrew Petit examining the photobasicity and structure-function relationships of aromatic heterocycles in the singlet excited states and now the triplet states. She is also part of the McNair Scholar’s Program where she is writing an undergraduate thesis on her research. She also works as a Supplemental Instruction (SI) Leader for the Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry at her home institution. Lanette is excited to expand her research experiences at PARADIM. In her free time, she enjoys reading, traveling, hiking, swimming, and watching Marvel movies.


Working as a production chemist for Abbott Laboratories testing and manufacturing reagents for ELISA (enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay)


Mr. Alex Kurland

Intern Major and College: Material Science Engineering, Cornell University

PI: Darrell Schlom

Cornell Mentor: Darrell Schlom

PARADIM REU Project: Design of in situ Shadow Mask for Molecular Beam Epitaxy


Alex Kurland is from New City, NY. He is a rising junior at Cornell University studying Materials Science and Engineering, and he plans on minoring in mathematics and music. He is interested in developing biodegradable plastics from atmospheric carbon dioxide. This is his first research experience and he will be designing parts to create specifically shaped thin films via molecular-beam epitaxy. Outside of school, Alex enjoys baking, playing piano, and walking his dog, Waffles.




Mr. Nathaniel Luis

Intern Major/College: Chemistry, Harvey Mudd 

PI: Darrell Schlom

Cornell Mentor: Brendan Faeth

PARADIM REU Project: Determination of the influence of non-stoichiometry and disorder on superconductivity and spectral characteristics in a high-temperature superconductor.


Nathan Luis is from Novato, CA. He is currently a rising junior at Harvey Mudd College pursuing his bachelor’s degree in chemistry. At Mudd, he has done research with Professor Bob Cave looking at the rate of electron tunneling between a donor and acceptor in various solvents.  Nathan plans to attend grad school, where he would like to study the intersection of green energy and chemistry, particularly in the area of thin-film solar cells. Nathan is a member of the CMS swim team and in his free time likes to cook, lift, play video games, and read.


Graduated from Mudd with high distinction in chemistry; working at a biotech startup in the East Bay called Octant doing drug discovery for rare genetic diseases. 



Mr. Nimit Mishra

Intern Major/College: Chemical Engineering, University of California Los Angeles 

PI: Darrell Schlom

Cornell Mentor: Betul Pamuk

PARADIM REU Project: Atomic Properties of Hexagonal Boron Nitride from First Principles


Nimit Mishra is from Portland Oregon and he's a rising junior at the University of California Riverside pursuing a Chemical Engineering degree. At UCR, he is working with Professor Matt Conley in conducting computational research on Surface Organometallic Chemistry (SOMC) and the synthesis of organometallic complexes with spectroscopic techniques (ss-NMR, FTIR, etc). In his spare time, Nimit watches the Blazers and plays video games. PRESENTATION REPORT(Posted 9/1/2021)



Mrs.Hanna Porter

Intern Major and College: Chemistry, Harvey Mudd College

PI: Lena Kourkoutis

Cornell Mentor: Berit Goodge

PARADIM REU Project: Probing structural and electronic phases in novel infinite-layer nickelate thin films with atomic resolution


Hanna Porter is from Crofton, Maryland, and is currently studying at Harvey Mudd College in Claremont, California. At HMC, Hanna is a chemistry major and a rising senior. She has been involved in research involving quantum dot size determination via pulsed-field gradient NMR and RF-plasma graphene synthesis. Hanna's future plans include pursuing a Ph.D. in materials science or physical chemistry and ultimately conducting materials science research investigating new solutions to energy storage and novel renewable energy sources to combat climate change.  In her free time, Hanna enjoys playing the viola, experimenting with new recipes, and knitting.


Pursuing PhD in Materials Science at University of California, Santa Barbara, in Raphaële Clément’s group


Ms. Veronica Show

Intern Major and College: Chemistry, Harvey Mudd College

PI: Darrell Schlom

Cornell Mentor: Felix Hensling

PARADIM REU Project: Characterization of epitaxial oxides on fluorite substrates for novel electronic applications


Veronica is from Fremont, CA, and a rising senior pursuing a chemistry major at Harvey Mudd College this summer. At HMC, she completed research with Professor Adam Johnson in the field of titanium-catalyzed chiral hydroamination. Veronica is also a goalie for CMS women's water polo. In her free time, she enjoys attempting various forms of art (mostly origami and drawing) and video games. She is excited to be exploring a very different field of chemistry and physics at PARADIM this year.


PhD candidate at Caltech


NSF GRFP award



Ms. Sarah Uttormark

Intern Major and College: Physics, Math & Norwegian,  St. Olaf College

PI: Darrell Schlom

Cornell Mentor: Tomas Arias

PARADIM REU Project: Ab initio study of mismatch layered superconductors


Sarah Uttormark was born and raised in Plymouth, Minnesota and is a rising senior at St. Olaf College in Northfield, Minnesota where she is triple majoring in Physics, Mathematics, and Norwegian. With an additional minor in Engineering, Sarah plans to continue pursuing her interest in materials science, applied physics, and number theory in graduate school. Sarah has conducted research in both mathematics and physics at her home institution. Her mathematics research included an investigation of the cycles presented within subprime tribonacci sequences, and she is currently working on creating and testing a dichroic atomic vapor spectroscopy setup utilizing 3D printing and permanent magnets within the physics department. In her free time, Sarah can be found rehearsing as a percussionist with the St. Olaf Band, knitting Norwegian sweaters in non-traditional colors, or searching for the best taco joint in town.


Cornell Univeristy Applied Physics PhD student working under Professor Lois Pollack



Mr. Luc Capaldi

Intern Major and College: Mechanical Engineering,  University of Vermont 

PI: Tyrel McQueen

Cornell Mentor: Evan Crites

PARADIM REU Project: Development High Pressure Floating Zone Materials


Luc Capaldi was born in Knapp, Wisconsin and raised in Newport, Vermont. He is a rising senior at the University of Vermont (UVM) studying mechanical engineering. At UVM, he is an active member of the Sansoz Research Group where he uses atomistic simulations to study the oxidation of silicon carbide fibers in extreme atmospheric re-entry conditions. He has also published work on macroscale knotting in collaboration with researchers at McGill University. His research interests include nanotechnology, atomic-scale materials engineering, and knotting within biological systems. Outside of school, his hobbies include cooking and computer programming.


University of Pennsylvania Mech Eng PhD program


NSF GRFP award


Ms. Avery Lenihan

Intern Major and College: Chemical Engineering, Western Kentucky University

PI: Tyrel McQueen

JHU Mentor: David Elbert

PARADIM REU Project: Streaming by Design: A new paradigm to optimize the PARADIM data ecosystem


Avery Lenihan is a rising sophomore from Western Kentucky University. Inspired by the intersection of chemical engineering and economics to make sustainable materials, Avery began research while still in high school at Northern Kentucky University with Dr. Seyed Allameh on the fatigue properties of 3D-printed metals. She has also worked with Dr. Allameh on a book chapter about biomimicked materials. At WKU, Avery is working on both research in economics with Dr. Jacob Byl on credibility heuristics regarding drug risk beliefs and research in chemistry with Dr. Bangbo Yan on possible green catalysts for furfural acetalization. In her free time, Avery competes on the Lincoln-Douglas debate team, holds leaderships positions in the Chemistry Club and the Society of Industrial and Applied Mathematics, and is an avid non-fiction reader. 


Ms. Megan Michaud

Intern Major and College: Mechanical and Aeronautical Engineering, Clarkson University

PI: Tyrel McQueen

JHU Mentor: Mojammel Khan

PARADIM REU Project: Tunable spin splitting in the two-dimensional transition metal chalcogenides.  


Megan Michaud was born and raised in Manchester, NH. Megan is a first year student studying at Clarkson University for a double major in Mechanical and Aeronautical Engineering. She is currently doing research on the pseudoelastic properties of nanowires with Dr. Ioannis Mastorakos. In her free time I enjoy working at the Makerspace, riding horses, and listening to music.


Involved in robotics research where she got a New York space grant with ties to NASA for females in STEM and presented a poster at ICRA in the UK in 2023 spring/summer. Megan is currently taking a year off of school on coops at Lockheed Martin and Los Alamos National Lab. At Lockheed she is working as a systems engineer on the Sentinel A4 program


Mr. Jonathan Mbuqua

Intern Major and College: Materials Engineering, University of Maryland, Baltimore County

PI: Tyrel McQueen 

Mentor: Ben Redemann

PARADIM REU Project: Development of New High Pressure Laser Pedestal Synthesis Capabilities


Jonathan “Muchiri” Mbugua is from Ellicott City, Maryland. He is a rising sophomore and Meyerhoff Scholar at the University of Maryland, Baltimore College pursuing a major in Mechanical Engineering. He has previously interned in Nairobi, Kenya under Mr. Roy Ombati, the founder of African Born 3D Printing (AB3D), where he worked to develop and create 3D printers from recycled materials. Mr. Ombati later selected him to be a spokesperson for AB3D in a Kenya Television Network interview. Outside of school, Muchiri’s interests include learning Swahili, strength and conditioning, and watching anime with his younger siblings.



Ms. Beatriz Avila-Rimer

Intern Major and College: Applied and Computational Math, Caltech

PI: Lena Kourkoutis

Cornell Mentor: Noah Schnitzer

PARADIM REU Project: Characterizing lattice and electronic Structure in narrow gap semiconductors with cryogenic scanning transmission electron microscopy


Ms. Beatriz E. Avila-Rimer, was born in Gainsville, Florida but grew up in between Brazil, Venezuela, Miami and Houston. I am currently a freshman at Caltech interested in pursuing ACM (applied and computational math or chemical engineering). Her research interests are in the potential applications of quantum properties, as well as other properties such as piezoelectricity. Beatriz is part of the Caltech tennis team and outside of school she enjoys hanging out with my friends, and biking. 


Mr. Sean Chang

Intern Major and College: Mechanical Engineering, California Institute of Technology

PI: Darrell Schlom

Cornell Mentor: Y. Eren Suyolcu

PARADIM REU Project: Structural and Electrical Properties of Dysprosium Barium Copper Oxide (DyBa2Cu3O7-δ) Thin Films


Sean Chang is from Diamond Bar, California and is a rising sophomore at the California Institute of Technology pursuing a major in mechanical engineering. He competed in robotics all four years of high school and hopes to expand his knowledge on the Caltech Robotics Team. Sean was always impressed by the utility of physics and hopes to learn more about superconductivity and its potential to be used in future technologies. In his free time, Sean enjoys hanging out and talking with friends, playing volleyball, biking along the beach, and personal projects.


Joe Dill

Mr. Joseph Dill

Intern Major and College: Physics, University of Minnesota - Twin Cities

PI: Darrell Schlom

Cornell Mentor: Darrell Schlom

PARADIM REU Project: Design of an Improved Ozone Injector Nozzle for Oxide Molecular-Beam Epitaxy


Joseph Dill  is from Mendota Heights, MN. He is a rising senior at the University of Minnesota - Twin Cities pursuing a major in physics. At his home university, Joseph works with Dr. Paul Crowell studying spin dynamics in ferromagnet-semiconductor heterostructures. In his spare time, Joseph enjoys running, playing the cello, and studying New Testament Greek.

Currently:   Cornell Applied Physics Ph.D. program, advised by Profs Debdeep Jena and Grace Xing.

Jessica Dong

Ms. Jessica Dong

Intern Major and College: Physics, Harvard University

PI: Darrell Schlom

Cornell Mentor: Brendan Faeth

PARADIM REU Project: Development of a next-generation Ultra-High Vacuum electrical transport system


Jessica Dong was born in North Dakota and has been living in Uvalde, Texas for the past 6 years. She is currently a rising junior at Harvard majoring in Physics. While at Harvard, she has been conducting research with Professor Julia Mundy in the field of designing new quantum materials with molecular beam epitaxy. Here, she gained experience using atomic force microscopy to evaluate film surface topography and has been working on developing a fluorination chamber for post-film growth treatment. She is excited to build upon these experiences throughout the PARADIM REU. In addition to research, she is involved in educational outreach. During the semester, she devotes her time to serving as a mathematics teaching assistant and volunteering at an after-school enrichment program in Dorchester, MA. She aims to attend graduate school, where she hopes to continue conducting research. In her free time, she enjoys running, curating playlists, and drawing comics.


Starting PhD in Materials Science at MIT


NSF GRFP award



Ms. Zubia Hasan

Intern Major and College: Physics, Johns Hopkins University

PI: Darrell Schlom

Cornell Mentor: Betul Pamuk

PARADIM REU Project: Effect of Strain on the Atomic, Electronic, and Vibrational Properites of RuO2


Zubia Hasan was born in Karachi , Pakistan and moved to the US to pursue a bachelors degree at Johns Hopkins. Interested in both physics and chemistry, she majored in physics but chose to do research at the interface of both subjects. She has been working at McQueen Lab since her freshman year on high temperature superconductivity and exotic magnetism. She is very interested in novel forms of magnetism and plans on pursuing this interest further in graduate school. Outside of academics, Hasan enjoys reading South Asian Literature and playing with cats and increasing visibility of women in STEM fields.


Harvard Graduate student (Mundy group)



Soros Fellowship winner

NSF GRFP award


Mr. Chase Hanson

Intern Major and College: Physics and Mathematics, Arizona State University

PI: Darrell Schlom

Cornell Mentor: Betul Pamuk

PARADIM REU Project: Atomic and Electronic Structure of Nickelate Superconductors


Chase Hanson was born and raised in Mesa, Arizona and is a rising senior at Arizona State University studying physics and mathematics. He is interested in pursuing a career in theoretical condensed matter physics and is fascinated by the fundamentals of strongly correlated systems as well as the truly bizarre physical phenomena that come from various topological phases of matter. He has worked with faculty at Arizona State University and staff scientists at Los Alamos National Lab. Other than school, his hobbies include computers, Reddit, Twitter (@fizsx), and watching the Star Wars prequels.


Graduate student in physics at University of California, Davis


Rachael Keneipp

Ms. Rachael Keneipp

Intern Major and College: Physics, University of Pennsylvania

PI: Darrell Schlom

Cornell Mentor: Eren Suyolcu

PARADIM REU Project: Atomic-scale control and atomic resolution identification of superconducting thin films and interfaces


Rachael Keneipp was born and raised in Evansville, Indiana, Rachael is a rising senior at the University of Pennsylvania studying physics. Through her research experiences, Rachael has developed a passion for experimental materials research with an interest in exploring materials with unique emergent properties. Her research at the University of Pennsylvania focuses on the development and applications of 2D ferromagnetic materials as an avenue for creating quantum bits. Rachael plans to attend graduate school to pursue a PhD in Physics, Applied Physics, or Materials Science and Engineering. Outside of the lab, she enjoys powerlifting, horseback riding, and swing dancing. 


Graduate student Drndic Group Pennsylvania University

Sophia M


Ms. Sophia Madelone 

Intern Major/College: Nanoengineering, SUNY Polytechnic's College of Nanoscale Science and Engineering (CNSE)

PI: Darrell Schom

Cornell Mentor: Saien Xie

PARADIM REU Project: Designing and Building Mechanical Parts for MOCVD Facility


Sophia Madelone was born and raised in Burnt Hills, New York for the past 16 years. This fall she will be a junior at CNSE as she continues towards her major in Nanoengineering. At the college, for her first two years, she has been working in the organic chemistry lab of Professor Robert Brainard on the MORE project (Molecular Organometallic Photoresists for EUV). She has completed research in the form of exploring new ideas by synthesizing compounds that are of interest in the photolithography industry and show promise of being good photoresist materials. Outside of school, Sophia likes to spend time hanging with friends, playing tennis, reading, and listening to her favorite artists. 


Finishing Master of Science in Material Science and Engineering , 3D Packaging  Georgia Institute of Technology; March 2024 starts at TEL (Tokyo Electron) as a Heterogeneous Integration Process Engineer II 

Patrick S

Mr. Patrick Singleton

Intern Major and College: Physics, Harvard University

PI: Darrell Schlom

Cornell Mentor: Felix Hensling

PARADIM REU Project: Characterization of epitaxial oxide pyrochlores with unusual physical properties for novel electronic applications


Patrick Singleton was born in Niagara Falls, New York and is currently enrolled as an undergraduate at Harvard University with a joint concentration in Math and Physics. His interests include topics in material science and number theory. In his free time, Patrick likes to make music, run and play basketball. In the future, he plans to pursue a degree in Applied Physics.


Pursuing a PhD in Quantum Science and Engineering in the Pritzker School of Molecular Engineering at the University of Chicago.


NSF GRFP award

Jacob S

Mr. Jacob Steele

Intern Major and College: Material Science Engineering, Carnegie Mellon University

PI: Darrell Schlom

Cornell Mentor: Patrick Vogt

PARADIM REU Project: Understanding the Nucleation Kinetics of Ga2O Suboxide MBE by RHEED Intensity Data Analysis’


Jacob Steele was born and raised in Richmond, Virginia and currently goes to school in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania at Carnegie Mellon University. At CMU, Jacob is a rising senior majoring in Materials Science and Engineering with a minor in electronic materials, additionally, he has conducted research on the thermal stability of gallium oxide schottky contacts for high energy applications. This summer, Jacob will be working on a project titled ‘Understanding the Nucleation Kinetics of Ga2O Suboxide MBE by RHEED Intensity Data Analysis’. His future plans are to attend graduate school for a doctorate in electronic materials, hopefully with a focus on green energy applications. In his freetime, Jacob enjoys listening to music, trying new food, and talking to friends."


Cornell graduate student, Material Science Engineering 


Wiliam T

Mr. William Taranto

Intern Major and College: Physics, Cornell University

PI: Darrell Schlom

Cornell Mentor: Eun-Ah Kim

PARADIM REU Project: Using machine learning to quantify the symmetry breaking of STM twisted bilayer graphene data


William Taranto was born and raised in Ridgefield, Connecticut. He currently studies physics at Cornell University in the class of 2021. Will has been working on describing the symmetry breakings that magic angle twisted bilayer graphene exhibits under different voltage biases. Specifically, he is using machine learning techniques to quantify the degree of such symmetery breakings. He believes that computing is the future of physics, and enjoys employing advanced computational techniques to solve physical problems. In Will's personal time, he enjoys listening to classical music, reading Tolkein's literature, playing Magic: The Gathering, and personal programing projects.


Mr. Boris Tsang

Intern Major and College: Physics, Cornell University

PI: Darrell Schlom

Cornell Mentor: Kyle Shen

PARADIM REU Project: Simulating ARPES measurements of quantum materials


Boris Tsang is a rising senior majoring in physics at Cornell. After joining Professor Kyle Shen's research group in the spring of 2019, he drafted the vacuum chamber support frames that were later installed in Cornell's CONQUEST (Creation and Observation of Novel Quantum Electronic Structures) facility and performed electron transport measurements on a variety of epitaxial thin films. Prior to the suspension of research activities in March, he was implementing a system for mounting thin-film samples in vacuo during the transfer between MBE and ARPES systems. Outside of the lab, Boris is serving his second term as the photography editor of The Cornell Daily Sun, an independent newspaper run by Cornell students. He also enjoys speedcubing and currently averages around twelve seconds on the 3x3.

Currently: MIT graduate student, Physics


Bryce C

Mr. Bryce Coyne

Intern Major and College: Physics, Occidental College

PI: Tyrel McQueen

JHU Mentor: Veronica Stewart

PARADIM REU Project: Screening of MnBi2Te4 as an axiom insulator through electronic structure calculations


Bryce Coyne was born in Colorado and grew up in Woodinville, Washington. He is a rising senior at Occidental College in Los Angeles pursuing a major in physics. He has previously worked as a research assistant with the University of Alabama at Birmingham under Dr. Vladimir Fedorov, where he focused on the spectroscopic characterization of various iron doped crystals for mid-infrared laser applications. In February 2020 he presented this research at Photonics West in San Francisco. He is an active member of the Occidental community as a pitcher on the college’s baseball team. In his spare time, Bryce enjoys traveling, visiting art museums, and listening to music and podcasts. 

Currently:  Metrology Test & Evaluation engineer at Boeing in St. Louis, MO.

Morgan F

Ms. Morgan Fernandez

Intern Major and College: Physics, Bryn Mawr Colege

PI: Tyrel McQueen

JHU Mentor: Shannon Bernier

PARADIM REU Project: Laue interfacing moving parts with computer and writing program to give real life data about position and how to move crystals.  


Morgan Fernandez  is a rising senior at Bryn Mawr College studying Physics and Economics. She has an interest in materials science and ways to incorporate the study of new materials into renewable energy applications. She has been involved in materials research including working with a post doc in the Hopkins Extreme Materials Institute (HEMI). In her free time Morgan likes to dance and is on the executive board of two dance clubs at BMC.


Project EngineerProject Engineer, DPR Construction, Baltimore, MD

Deidre G

Ms. Deidre Grogan

Intern Major and College: Chemistry, Morgan State

PI: Tyrel McQueen JHU

Mentor: David Elbert 

Project: Building open training stacks for image segmentation of boron carbide experiments. 


Deidre Grogan is a junior chemistry major at Morgan State University. This is her first internship and she is excited to learn from experts in their fields. She will be working on labeling radiographs of experiments on boron carbide for her summer project. Outside of school her interests include musical theatre, journaling and nutrition.

Xi Zhang

Mr. Xin (Jason) Zhang

Intern Major and College: Chemical and Biomedical Engineering, Johns Hopkins University

PI: Tyrel McQueen JHU

Mentor: Tanya Berry 

Project: Understanding the fermionic physics of double-Dirac materials and its physical property characterizations


Xin (Jason) Zhang is from Russellville, Arkansas. He is a rising sophomore at The Johns Hopkins University pursing a major in Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering and a minor in business. He is working on data analysis remotely using various statistical and analytical software on understanding the band structures and fermionic physics of various topological materials, particularly double-Dirac materials. Jason’s personal research interests are in magnetic materials. Previously, he has worked on the synthesis of Spintronic materials. In his free time, Jason enjoys outdoor hikes, breakdancing, practicing Taekwondo, and listening to music with friends.



Chemistry and Materials Science Ph.D. student at Princeton University


Summer PURA award

NSF GRFP award



REU Participant - Caroline Fedele

Ms. Caroline Fedele
Intern Major & College: Physics, University of North Florida
PI: Darrell Schlom
PARADIM REU Project Title: Electrical and Structural Characterization of Superconducting Ruthenate Ruddlesden-Popper (RP) Thin Films


Caroline Fedele was born in New York but has lived in St. Augustine, Florida, for the past 14 years. She is a rising senior at the University of North Florida pursuing a major in physics and a minor in computer science. She has previously worked as a research fellow with the U.S. Department of Energy in computational materials engineering research, modeling defect chemistry and analyzing energy properties of tritium-producing materials for nuclear applications. Currently, she is working with several professors at the University of North Florida in nanophotonics and condensed matter physics, where she is investigating optical properties of complex oxides and plasmonic systems on the nanoscale by employing microscopy and spectroscopy. In her spare time, Caroline enjoys playing the piano, going for long runs, and reading classic literature.


PhD program University of Florida, computer science


Mr. Oluchi Onwuvuche
Intern Major & College: Electrical Engineering, University of the District of Columbia
PI: Darrell Schlom
PARADIM REU Project Title: Growth of LaAlO3/SrTiO3 Superstructures with Conducting Interfaces


Oluchi Onwuvuche was born and raised in Washington, D.C. to the parents of Mr. Oluchi I. Chukwunyere and Mrs. Lovelyne H.A. Chukwunyere. In fall 2017, Oluchi arrived at University of the District of Columbia to study Electrical Engineering as an undergraduate course. This summer, Oluchi will be working on a project titled Growth of LaAlO3/SrTiO3 Superstructures with Conducting Interfaces. He is excited about this opportunity and hopes it prepares him for Graduate school. In his free time, he enjoys nature walks and pick up basketball.


Electrical Engineer | IT Specialist | CCNA & Cisco IOS Command Line

REU Participant - Jonathan Ortiz

Mr. Jonathan Ortiz
Intern Major & College: Mechanical Engineering, New Mexico State University
PI: Darrell Schlom
PARADIM REU Project Title: Improving the Capabilities of PARADIM’s MBE Hardware


Jonathan Ortiz was born in El Paso, Texas and is currently enrolled at New Mexico State University majoring in Mechanical Engineering. He has been working with the department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering on developing reliable reduced-order model for carbon nanotube-based sensors. His interests include experimental solid mechanics and biomedical engineering. His future plans are to attend graduate school with a focus in biomedical engineering and drug delivery systems. On his free time, Jonathan enjoys traveling abroad, playing the drums, and playing soccer.


MS New Mexico State University

REU Participant - Priscilla Santiesteban

Ms. Priscila Santiesteban
Intern Major & College: Computer Science & Physics, Coe College
PI: Darrell Schlom
PARADIM REU Project Title: Understanding the structure of IV-VI semiconductors


Priscila Santiesteban is a first generation college student from Denver, Colorado. She is a rising junior pursuing a Computer Science and Physics double major at Coe College. She was the winner of the Arthur Wright Eskine Physics Award for outstanding achievement as a Freshman and has been consistently on the Dean’s List every semester. She is also a member of Alpha Lambda Delta Honorary Society. Recently, she completed an internship as a software engineer where she helped develop code to assist in the application of Artificial Intelligence of automated vehicles. Through her experiences, she has been able to become fluent in nearly five different programming languages. Currently, she is working on research with Pennsylvania State University simulating mechanical properties of glass using Molecular Dynamics. She plans on pursuing a PhD in engineering. In her free time, she likes to go hiking, and trying new foods.


Computer Science and Engineering Graduate Student at University of Michigan


NSF GRFP award

Rackham Merit Fellow Scholarship

REU Participant - Samuel Straney

Mr. Samuel Straney
Intern Major & College: TBD, College of Nanoscale Science and Engineering, Albany
PI: Saien Xie
PARADIM REU Project Title: Growing 2D Transition Metal Dichalcogenide (2D-TMDC) Materials for PARADIM Users


Samuel Straney is from Saint Johnsville, New York. He attends SUNY Polytechnic’s College of Nanoscale Engineering, (CNSE), in Albany.  He is expected to graduate in May of 2020.  Samuel has researched PDMS membrane optical based pressure sensors with sub Torr resolution under Professor Michael Carpenter.   During his free time Sam enjoys athletics, competitive video games, and hiking. 


Global Foundries, U.S. , Inc.

Senior Yield EngineerSenior Yield Engineer Global Foundries, U.S. , Inc

REU Participant - Jarek Viera


Mr. Jarek Viera
Intern Major & College: Chemistry, University of North Georgia
PI: Saien Xie
PARADIM REU Project Title: Growing 2D Transition Metal Dichalcogenide (2D-TMDC) Materials for PARADIM Users


Jarek Viera was born in and raised in Lawrenceville, Georgia. As a rising senior, Jarek is expected to graduate in 2020 with a Bachelor’s in Chemistry and a Minor in Mathematics proudly as a first generation American. He has taken a strong interest in nanomaterials, participating in research with 2D nanomaterials and their applications in quantum computing with Professor Rosi Gunasinghe at the University of North Georgia. Jarek is dedicated to quantum mechanics and hopes to inspire the next generation of scientists to have the same passion for chemistry/physics as he does. In his off time Jarek enjoys listening to live music from his favorite bands/rappers, cooking, and reading science fiction.


Graduate Teaching Assistant and Researcher at Florida State University


JHU REU Phoebe Appel

Ms. Phoebe Appel
Intern Major & College: Chemical Engineering, Purdue University
PI: Tyrel McQueen
PARADIM JHU REU Project Title: Automation of Floating Zone Processes using Data Analytics


Phoebe Appel is a rising senior in chemical engineering at Purdue University . In the Department of Chemical Engineering, she researches the formation and dynamics of liposomes under Dr. Vivek Narsimhan. This summer she is a PARADIM REU intern working on using supercritical fluids for materials discovery. After graduation, Pheobe plans to attend graduate school to pursue a PhD in chemistry. 

JHU REU Julia Trowbridge

Ms. Julia Trowbridge
Intern Major & College: Chemistry, Colorado State University
PI: Tyrel McQueen
PARADIM JHU REU Project Title: Crystal Growth of “Active Substrates” for Quantum Material Thin Films


Julia Trowbridge is a dual chemistry and economics major with a minor in math set to graduate from Colorado State University May 2020. Outside of classes, Trowbridge works in Dr. Jamie Neilson's research lab on understanding fundamental properties of hybrid perovskites and is also involved in the University's American Chemical Society affiliated student chapter.

Currently: Johns Hopkins University graduate student, Energy and Climate Policy


Miguel Castro-Rivera

Mr. Miguel Castro-Rivera
Intern Major & College: Mechanical Engineering, Interamerican University of Puerto Rico
PI: Darrell Schlom
PARADIM REU Project Title: Understanding the Structure of Germanium Sulfide (GeS)

Miguel Angel Castro Rivera was born in San Juan, Puerto Rico. First born child of Freddie A. Castro Vazquez and Luz M. Rivera Rosario. Even though Miguel lived most of his life in Ponce, which is in the south part of the island, he currently resides near the Inter American University of Puerto Rico (IAUPR) in Bayamon. He enrolled at IAUPR as a Mechanical Engineer major with a minor in Quality Control Systems. Since his early undergrad years, Miguel has worked as a math and physics tutor, and is currently a member of the Honor’s Dean list at IAUPR. Thanks to his past research with Dr. P. Seshaiyer in disease modeling, Miguel realized that Computational Sciences was his target for Graduate school. During his free time, Miguel likes to watch movies, read and run in the afternoons.

Anthony Coleman

Mr. Anthony Coleman
Intern Major & College: Physics Engineering, Chicago State University
PI: Darrell Schlom
PARADIM REU Project Title: STEM Imaging and Composition Mapping of Multiferroic Oxides

Anthony Coleman is from Chicago, Illinois. He is currently enrolled at Chicago State University majoring in Physics engineering. Anthony’s research includes “Transport properties of a magnetic semiconductor P-N Heterojunction Diodes”, analyzing data from CERN Proton-Proton Collisions, Neutrino detection, and research at Fermi-lab National Laboratories.  Anthony has a goal to attend The University of Chicago for Medical Physics. His hobbies include writing music, working out, and studying Einstein's Theory of Everything.

Currently: Georgia Tech Student in Medical Physics


GEM Fellowship

Stephanie Eberly

Ms. Stephanie Eberly
Intern Major & College: Mechanical Engineering, North Carolina State University 
PI: Darrell Schlom
PARADIM REU Project Title: Implementing a Functional ARPES System

Stephanie Eberly was born in Ohio, but has been living in North Carolina for the past 13 years.  She is a rising junior in Mechanical Engineering at North Carolina State University where she is part of Engineering Without Borders and serves on the executive board of Scholars Council.  She previously helped develop a DNA nanotechnology bio-sensing device designed to detect cancer under Dr. Carlos Castro in a lab at Ohio State University.  Currently, she works in the environmental engineering lab at NC State aiding research on the atmospheric evolution and impact of aerosols emitted from stationary combustion sources in India under Dr. Andy Grieshop. Her interests within engineering are varied, but she knows she will be content as long as she is always gaining knowledge, being challenged, and helping others.  Her future plans include attending graduate school in the field of neuroengineering and one day conducting research of her own as a professor.  In her free time, Stephanie enjoys exploring the outdoors, playing soccer, doing art projects, and traveling.


UC Berkeley, PhD MechE


NSF GRFP award

Iryna Glushcenko

Ms. Iryna Glushchenko
Intern Major & College: Physics, Princeton University
PI: Darrell Schlom
PARADIM REU Project Title: Investigating the Structure of Multiferroic Oxides with STEM Imaging and Diffraction Mapping

Iryna Glushchenko hails from Colorado Springs, CO, right beside the gorgeous Rockies. She is a rising junior at Princeton University pursuing a major in physics and a minor in computer science. Before coming to Princeton, she explored the effects of ferroelectric nanoparticles on liquid crystals and she is excited to expand this knowledge through this REU project. Her interests also include theoretical physics and her professional goal is to secure a position in academia. In her spare time, she plays piano, goes on long walks, and adores reading fantasy novels.

Currently: MSc Student at Imperial College, London

Ken Ho

Mr. Ken Tai Ran Ho
Intern Major & College: Electrical and Computer Enginnering, Cornell University
PI: Kyle Shen
PARADIM REU Project Title: Automating a Cryogenic Transport System for Measuring Quantum Materials

Ken Tai Ran Ho was born in Singapore but has spent much of his life abroad in Hong Kong, Taiwan, and the US. As a sophomore studying Electrical and Computer Engineering at Cornell University, he is actively involved in project team initiatives within the College of Engineering, namely Cornell University Unmanned Air Systems. Some of Ken’s interests and responsibilities include the design and fabrication of system-specific PCBs. More recently, he has also taken on firmware development, including the adaptation of existing module code for a new multiprocessing uC architecture. He is excited to be helping to develop new test hardware for the lab this summer and looks forward to being a part of the program.

Yonghun Lee

Mr. Yonghun Lee
Intern Major & College: Engineering Physics, Cornell University
PI: Kyle Shen
PARADIM REU Project Title: Non-Equilibrium Investigations of Canted Antiferromagnet Under Flowing Electrical Current

Yonghun Lee was born in Seoul, South Korea, and lived there in his youth. He then came to the United States and attended high school in Minnesota. After finishing his sophomore year at Cornell, he took a leave of absence to go back to South Korea to fulfill a mandatory two-year military service. Yonghun is currently rising senior at Cornell University, majoring in Engineering Physics. 

Aside from his main study in physics, Yonghun is also interested in the embedded system, and he has been exploring his interests by taking classes and doing research in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering. Recently, Yonghun built a wireless power transfer system that operates on a vibrating motor on a beehive, which simulates bees’ self-vibrating motions upon the prospect of foraging activity.

Yonghun intends to pursue a graduate degree in Applied Physics. More specifically, he is interested in the physics and experimental techniques behind angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy, the specialty of his REU PI, Professor Kyle Shen.



Intern at Stanford

Cesar Lema

Mr. Cesar Lema
Intern Major & College: Physics and Mathematics, New York University
PI: Darrell Schlom
PARADIM REU Project Title: Growing and Characterizing Monolayer Transition Metal Dichalcogenides (2D TMDs) Materials for PARADIM Users

Cesar Lema is from Brooklyn, NY. He is a first generation college student and will be a sophomore at NYU in the fall of 2018 as a Physics and Math major with a minor in Computer Science. His curiosity for the physical world and passion for understanding the mechanism behind natural phenomena have fueled his pursuit of a career in Physics. Outside of the physical perspective of the world, science fiction has elicited, in him, an interest in the subject of consciousness and consequently nurtured an enthusiasm for Artificial Intelligence and other future technologies. As a way to unwind he likes to cook all types of foods and pastries, with a strong Latin American influence, introduce himself to unintuitive physics concepts, and explore the large array of food, art, technology and education NYC’s diverse culture has.

Currently: PhD candidate at Stanford


NSF GRFP award

Marcus Marracci

Mr. Marcus Marracci
Intern Major & College: Chemistry, California State University Fullerton
PI: Darrell Schlom
PARADIM REU Project Title: Growing and Designing 2D Transition Metal Dichalogenide (2D-TMDC) Materials for PARADIM Users

Marcus Marracci was born in the Los Angeles area and has lived in Southern California his whole life. He was a Computer Science student before changing majors to Chemistry.  He found a combination of the two fields in Dr. Andrew Petit’s Theoretical Chemistry lab at CSUF, which uses DFT and other computational methods to map out mechanistic pathways of reactions. In his free time Marcus likes to write and record music, as well as read and spend time at California’s beaches.


UC Irvine (Chemistry)

Cyrus Zeledon

Mr. Cyrus Zeledon
Intern Major & College: Engineering, Cornell University 
PI: Darrell Schlom
PARADIM REU Project Title: Spin-Orbit Torques from SrRuO3-SrIrO3 Epitaxial Heterostructure

Cyrus Zeledon (B.S.’19) is from Coral Gables, FL. He is expected to graduate Cornell University College of Engineering in 2019 with a Bachelor’s Degree in Materials Science and Engineering. Cyrus has research experience in both Molecular Beam Epitaxy and Pulse Laser Deposition as part of both on campus research involvement and summer REU programs. Cyrus has worked with Professor Caroline Ross at Massachusetts Institute of Technology in Cambridge, Massachusetts. At MIT, he worked with Ethan Rosenberg on the spintronic characterization and applications of terbium iron garnet thin films. He will continue to work in the Schlom Research group for the summer.


University of Chicago

William Zhang

Mr. William Zhang
Intern Major & College: Mechanical Engineering, Cornell University 
PI: Kyle Shen
PARADIM REU Project Title: Development of a Multipurpose Ultrahigh Vacuum System for Electrical and Optical Measurements of Surface-Modified Quantum Materials

William Zhang was born in New York City but has spent most of his life in Buffalo, New York. As a rising sophomore, William is studying Mechanical Engineering at Cornell University and is an active part of Cornell University Unmanned Air Systems (CUAir), a project team that designs, and builds a custom aircraft that specializes in search and rescue. William is on the airframe subteam and was responsible for the design and manufacturing of the tail system. In his free time, William enjoys taking walks with his dog, following basketball and football, listening to music and spending time with his friends. 


Zack Kennedy photo

Mr. Zak Kennedy
Intern Major & College: Physics, Georgia Institute of Technology
PI: Tyrel McQueen
JHU PARADIM REU Project Title: High Dynamic Gas Pressure Single Crystal Growth

Zak Kennedy is a rising senior studying physics at the Georgia Institute of Technology. There he studies quantum spin chains in the lab of Dr. Martin Mourigal. This summer he is a PARADIM REU intern at Johns Hopkins University studying the high pressure single crystal growth of high valent quantum magnets. Next year, Zak plans to continue studying frustrated magnetic systems in a PhD program.


Department of Physics and Astronomy, James Madison UniversityThe institution will open in a new tab, Harrisonburg,

Michael Straker

Mr. Michael Straker
Intern Major & College: , Morgan State University
PI: Tyrel McQueen
JHU PARADIM HEMI REU Presentation Title: Crystal Growth and Characterization of Boron Carbide

Michael Straker is enrolled in the M.S. program at Morgan State University. He is interested in materials by design, especially as applied to materials of technological relevance. He was supported in a summer internship at PARADIM through the HEMI Extreme Internships Program, and worked with Morgan State users to develop the growth of new materials.


University of Maryland (in Biomaterials)

Jessica Zahn photo Ms. Jessica Zahn
Intern Major & College: Chemistry & Mathematics, Sewanee University of the South
PI: Tyrel McQueen
JHU PARADIM REU Project Title: Systematic Floating Zone Single Crystal Growth for Machine Learning Objectives  

Jessica Zahn is a current senior at Sewanee: The University of the South, where she majors in chemistry and mathematics. In the Department of Chemistry, she researches the aggregation of platinum diimine complexes under Professor Robert Bachman. She also is a member of the Varsity Dive team. This summer she is a PARADIM REU intern at the bulk-crystal growth facility studying crystal growth in the Laser Diode Floating Zone Furnace for machine learning purposes and the PARADIM data collective. After graduation, Jessica plans to attend graduate school to pursue a PhD in chemistry. 


Georgia Tech (Chemistry) for PhD


2017 REU - Daniel Boughman

Mr. Daniel Bouman
Intern Major & College: Chemistry, CSU Fullerton
PI: Darrell Schlom
REU Project Title: Design and Manipulation of Ferroelectric Domains in BaTiO3 Thin-Films

Daniel Bouman has lived in Southern California his entire life and is the youngest of four. He is a first generation college student studying chemistry and minoring in physics at California State University, Fullerton (CSUF). While attending CSUF, Daniel remains busy by participating in research and working with the chemistry stockroom team. His research with Dr. A. Fry-Petit has drawn his attention to inelastic neutron scattering as a method for understanding solid-state phonon dynamics. While remaining enthusiastic about school and his academic career Daniel likes to spend his free time camping, hiking, and exploring the California outdoors.


Working for Elements Material Technology

2017 REU - Kaynan Goldberg

Ms. Kaynan (Kay) Goldberg
Intern Major & College: Materials Science & Engineering, North Carolina State University
PI: Darrell Schlom
REU Project Title: Compositional Analysis of Off-Stoichiometric Multiferroic LuMnO3 and Electrode Nanopatterning of (SrTiO3)n (BaTiO3)1 SrO Thin Films

Kay was born in Atlanta, GA, and has been living in Raleigh, NC for approximately the last ten years. She is a junior in Materials Science and Engineering at North Carolina State University, where she is also pursuing a minor in economics. Kay is concentrating on nanomaterials, gradually narrowing her focus to electrochemistry and clean energy. She works in Dr. Veronica Augustyn’s lab in the MSE department at NC State, where she primarily researches fuel cell catalysts. She also works as a chemistry tutor on and off campus, and is a member of the Honors Village at NC State. During her free time, Kay enjoys jogging the trails around her campus, slowly teaching herself the guitar and ukulele, and seeing local bands’ shows.


University of Texas at Austin - Doctor of Law

2017 REU - Morgan Grandon

Ms. Morgan Grandon
Intern Major & College: Chemistry, Truman State University
PI: Darrell Schlom
REU Project Title: Electrical and Structural Characterization of Superconducting Ruthenate Ruddlesden-Popper (RP) Thin Films

Morgan Grandon hails from Troy, MO, where she remained passionately curious about science and mathematics despite living in an area where these subjects were not emphasized. She is a proud first generation student and McNair scholar. Currently, Morgan is a senior chemistry major at Truman State University, a small liberal arts college in northeast Missouri. Last summer, she conducted research at Texas A&M University and was introduced to nanochemistry and materials science through her work in the lab of Dr. James Batteas. After graduation in December, Morgan plans to attend graduate school to pursue a degree in materials science, primarily focusing on energy research. In her spare time, Morgan enjoys reading science fiction, kayaking, and celebrating all things chemistry by her involvement in Truman’s student chapter of the American Chemical Society and Alpha Chi Sigma, the professional chemistry fraternity. She is also a professional Netflix binge watcher and a proud cat mom of one.


Charlotte's Web - Company

2017 REU - Jacob Waelder

Mr. Jacob Waelder
Intern Major & College: Physics, University of Washington
PI: Lena Kourkoutis
REU Project Title: Tracking Atoms in Two-Dimensional Materials Using Scanning Transmission Electron Microscopy

Jacob was born in Hannibal, Missouri but has lived in Seattle, Washington since age 6. He did not start attending college at the usual age, but rather worked as an electrician. Though he was always enthusiastic about science, this job gave him a larger interest in the details of how electronics function, and more generally, how the world works on a very small scale. Eventually he worked his way through a local community college and transferred to the University of Washington. Jacob is now a senior majoring in physics. He has taken a strong interest in condensed matter physics and has been participating in research with 2D materials and their applications to nanophotonics with Professor Arka Majumdar. He is passionate about science and is interested in anything that will benefit climate or energy research. He plans on attending graduate school for physics or materials science to conduct research in 2D materials. Outside of school he likes to binge watch TV shows and bike around the city with his wife.

Currently:   University of Michigan for my Master's degree, and landed a job as an engineer at Intel, all working with electron microscopes 


Heather Calcaterra

Ms. Heather Calcaterra
Intern Major & College: Chemical Engineering, University of Michigan
PI: Tyrel McQueen
JHU REU Project Title: Probing Single Crystal Growth Experimentally and through Computational Simulations

Heather is a rising senior in Chemical Engineering at the University of Michigan Ann Arbor. She is utilizing COMSOL Multiphysics, a finite element differential equation solver, to investigate the impact of a supercritical fluid on the stability of a molten zone and decide what parameters might be ideal for crystal growth. She is investigating the effects of pressure, temperature gradient, and other materials-specific properties on the surrounding fluid environment in accordance with the Navier-Stokes Equations. Based on her positive research experience, she plans to apply to graduate school in chemistry and/or chemical engineering next year to pursue a Ph.D.


Northwestern graduate student with Mirkin Research Group, CBE   


NSF GRFP award


2017 REU - Maggie Anderson

Ms. Maggie Anderson
Intern Major & College: The California Institute of Technology
PI: Darrell Schlom
REU Project Title: Characterization of Multiferroic Thin Films Generated with Molecular Beam Epitaxy

Margaret Anderson hails from Edwardsville, IL just outside of St. Louis. This coming year she will be a sophomore at the California Institute of Technology pursuing a double major in physics and medieval history. Last year, Maggie competed in the National Junior Science and Humanities Symposium with her previous research in Nanosphere Photolithography from the Thermal Radiation Lab at Missouri S&T. She is excited to be researching and characterizing Multiferroic Materials in the Schlom Lab this summer. Outside of science, Maggie enjoys netflix, crafting, archery, and teaching herself random skills.


Harvard graduate school in Condensed Matter Physics

2017 REU - Vibha Vijayakumar

Ms. Vibha Vijayakumar
Intern Major & College: The California Institute of Technology
PI: Darrell Schlom
Project Title: Investigation of Ferroelectric Properties of Oxide Superlattices at Low Temperatures: How do Strain, Dimensionality, and Polarization Compete in the Low-Dimensional Structure, (SrTiO3)n(BaTiO3)mSrO?

Vibha Vijayakumar is from San Marcos, California and is a rising sophomore at Caltech. She has been interested in STEM from a young age and while in high school, she sought ways to explore interdisciplinary sciences and better understand her broad scientific interests, such as the Oncofertility Science Academy summer program at UCSD, where she explored cancer biology, reproductive physiology, IVF, and bioethics. She also spent a summer in Professor Sailor’s chemistry lab at UCSD, where she learned about the chemical properties and applications of porous silicon based nanomaterials and was part of a project researching the use of porous silicon nanoparticles in dopamine detection. While she intended to major in chemistry or chemical engineering when she entered Caltech, Vibha recently switched to majoring in electrical engineering. She isn’t sure what she wants to do in the future, but she is hoping that researching at Professor Schlom’s lab will give her a better idea. In her free time, Vibha likes to read, hike, play flute, and watch comedy.


Software Development Engineer at AWS Marketplace




Ms. Betty Hu
Intern Major & College: Applied Physics, Columbia University
PI: Kyle Shen
REU Project Title: A next-generation system for artificially engineering quantum materials by molecular beam epitaxy

Betty Hu comes from Ann Arbor, Michigan. Growing up in a college town as the daughter of two scientists, she was exposed to science from a young age and liked to come up with science experiments in her parents’ garage, which they were rarely happy about. She spent two summers working in Professor Nouri Neamati’s chemistry lab at the University of Michigan before coming to Columbia University, where she switched disciplines and recently finished her freshman year as an applied physics major. If she ever graduates, she plans on pursuing a graduate degree as well. In her free time, Betty enjoys napping in sunny spots, eating, and exploring New York City with her friends.


Harvard Graduate School, Physics Ph.D. program


Columbia University Award Winner 2019

Scientific American article

2016 REU - Mark Marsailis

Mr. Mark Marsalis
Intern Major & College: Physics and Math, Texas Tech University
PI: David Muller
REU Project Title: Seeing and building 3D structures from 2D materials

Mark Marsalis was born in Detroit, Michigan, and he moved to Houston, Texas when he was about six years old. After graduating high school, he was accepted to Texas Tech University where he is a senior currently pursuing a double major in Physics and Mathematics. He had done some research in Astrophysics for about a year before moving on to research in Nanofabrication. He is open to exploring any field of Nanotechnology, while not solely focusing on the material science aspect of it all. After he graduates, he plans to attend graduate school for Physics where he will continue to conduct research in a desired field of Nanotechnology. Outside of academia, some of Mark’s hobbies consist of martial arts, hiking, bike-riding, swimming, working out. He also reads any magazines, books, or articles pertaining to any field of science and technology that catch his interest.


Technical Consultant at Marsalis Technologies, Inc

2016 REU - Arthur McRay

Mr. Arthur McCray
Intern Major & College: Physics, Carleton College
PI: Lena Fitting Kourkoutis
REU Project Title: Understanding nanostructured materials atom-by-atom using scanning transmission electron microscopy

Arthur is a rising junior and physics major at Carleton College. His interests include general condensed matter physics, nanotechnology, math, as well as sculpture and pottery. This past year he has been working in the lab of Professor Melissa Eblen-Zayas with colossal magnetoresistance in europium oxide films, and he hopes to continue this project in his remaining time at Carleton. He is from Seattle, Washington and loves hiking, climbing, mountaineering, and just about anything outdoors. In addition, he plays ultimate frisbee for the Gods of Plastic, enjoys reading, and occasionally gets super passionate about chess for two months at a time.


Northwestern University, Graduate Student at Argonne National Lab.


NSF GRFP Honorable mention

2016 REU - Cameron Ruhl

Mr. Cameron Ruhl
Intern Major & College: Physics and Mathematics, Dickinson College
PI: Darrell Schlom
REU Project Title: Structural and Electrical Characterization of Oxide Thin Films Grown by Molecular-Beam Epitaxy

Cameron Ruhl comes from Camp Hill, a small town located directly across the Susquehanna River from Pennsylvania’s capital, Harrisburg. Currently, he attends Dickinson College in Carlisle, Pennsylvania, where he is a double major in both mathematics and physics; he will be a senior next semester. He is interested in nearly all areas of science, although he is particularly interested in the material sciences, plasma physics, theoretical physics, and areas of both pure and applied mathematics. In his free time, he reads about the history of science, especially mathematics and physics, different theories from mathematics and physics, as well as fantasy. He also enjoys playing video games, hanging out with his friends, and having lively discussions about a wide variety of topics. He is a dedicated teaching assistant; this role allows him to help other students to understand different aspects of the sciences. Furthermore, he has been an avid advocate for the education learning disabilities and of concussions ever since he was diagnosed with ADHD during high school and with Post-Concussion Syndrome during his freshman year of college. Cameron plans to pursue a PhD in material science, plasma physics, or theoretical physics, with the intention of performing research before becoming a professor later on in life.


2016 REU - Nicolo Zulaybar

Mr. Nicolo Zulaybar
Intern Major & College: Chemistry (EE Minor), Stanford University
PI: Tyler M. McQueen
REU Project Title: Synthesis and Characterization of the Next Generation of Electronic Crystalline Matter

Nicolo Zulaybar graduated from Chaminade College Preparatory High School in Los Angeles and currently studies Chemistry at Stanford University where he will be a junior in the fall. He is interested in Materials Science and Electrical Engineering. Nicolo’s experiences developing electronic materials as a member of Stanford’s Xia Lab have sparked his interest in using Chemistry to build novel electronic systems and devices. He hopes to continue pursuing these interests as an investigator at a major research university, an interest developed from his research involvement throughout his academic career, and his experiences teaching and mentoring as an officer in his high school robotics and Science Bowl teams. Outside of lab, Nicolo enjoys socializing with his siblings in Stanford’s Alpha Chi Sigma chemistry fraternity, going on weekend bike rides, and traveling.


Stanford University